Chapter 1: Air and Water

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Nora's POV

"Wake up! Nora, I said wake up! Nora, if you don't wake up, I am not making you Breakfast." Threatened Lynn

"Ehhhhhhhh," I groaned.

"Alright, fine. No waffles for you."

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shouted as I sat up in bed and rubbed my drained eyes.

"Good, now get dressed for school, unless you want to be late."

Lynn and I share an apartment. We also go to high school. The only reason we go though is to socialize. But according to Lynn I suck at socializing. I put my hair in a ponytail and dressed casually. When I walked to the kitchen, Lynn was already eating his Waffles. There was a plate of waffles at the other end of the table for me. Whip cream and strawberries, just how I like them. After we finished dinning on our 5 star meal, Lynn handed me my lunch and propelled me out the door.

"What was that for?!?!?!?" I screeched.

"Thanks to your stubbornness, we might be late."

"Well you don't have to go to Hawaii and create a tropical breeze at 2 Am do you?" I argued.

We dashed down the sidewalk towards school. We're pretty lucky to live so close. Schools only a couple blocks away. Me and Lynn rushed through the halls and dived into our classroom, which then resulted on me falling on top of him. Of course everyone was looking at the pile of students at the door. Lynn scowled and gave me a scary look which obviously said "get off me" We both we picked up ourselves off the floor and sat in our desks.

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