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Noras POV
All four of us walked to school together. I am sure it was quite a sight. When me and Lynn got into our classroom. Every one ran up to us asking us about the two new students. They were in a grade above us thus they were not in our class. After confirming to everyone they were are older siblings we sat down and worked. I was writing my language paragraph when a boy tapped my shoulder.
"Uh, Nora right? You look smart, could you give me a hand on this? Please?." He begged
I nodded and began explaining the project, but as soon as i started he interrupted.
"Your not even going to ask me my name?" He said
"Nope." I replied
After that he made an over dramatic frown and slumped down in his chair. I finished explaining the assignment and asked
"Okay, do you get it now?"
"Yes, now all i have to do is get you to go on a date with me?" He said in a questioning toned and glanced to me raising an eyebrow
"No, i don't date." I said and walked back to my desk.

Rowans POV
After Nora walked away i muttered
"Ouch, thats cold... -_-" to myself
Although her little lesson did help me figure out this stupid writing thing. I looked over to my right and saw her working quietly at her desk. I sighed and continued on.
At lunch i sat down with a few guys from my class. I had friends but no really good friends. Unfortunately i just moved to this school at the beginning of the year and i already had girls swarming around me. I am blessed with good looks that send all the fine ladies into a frenzy, however my academic skill is a little on the low side...just a tad. I've already gotten 5 love confessions and 17 love letters and its only been a month! You hear all the girls talk about how handsome and charming i am. I have all the girls swooning over little oh me. Well all the girls except one >->. I noticed her and her brother miss a lot of school but there both top of our class. There a weird bunch. I looked around the cafeteria to see where she was sitting. I found her and her other 3 siblings eating lunch at a table together. I began to stand up so i could try talking to her again when a girl appeared behind me.
"Rowan! I made you a lunch! Here take it." She said
"ROWAN!!! I am so glad i caught you! Please accept this Lunch i made for you!" Said a different girl who just ran over here
"Hey! Quit budding in! Rowan eat my lunch first!" Demanded the first girl
"No eat mine. Its much better than hers." Said the second girl
Before i knew it there was about a 15 girl free for all war, and i was right in the middle! I caught a glance of her leaving the lunch area. Dammit! I have to get out of he....i was drowning in the female hormones! Help i cant escape!
Death by Fangirl

Authors Note:
Just by the way Rowan didn't actually die. I am so excited about Rowan, he is whats going to send this story up the hill towards the climax!! Squee!!! And i just love his character. So yeah now that i am at a part i actually am excited about writing this story will likely get updated more.
Good Evening
Good night
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good Fangirling

In The Wind (Edditing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz