Chapter 3: Noah

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The memories started flowing back, and after I tried so hard to forget.

Noah's POV

That girl, it only took the two seconds that she walked through the classroom door, to know that i loved her. She's was absolutely beautiful, love at first sight. Oh wait, she's with another guy. That's just great; of course she's with another guy. The pair stood up at the front of the classroom. The boy smiled cheerfully. The beautiful brown haired girl looked like she was so shy, she might explode.

"Hello, my names Lynn and this is my sister Nora." said the Boy

He's his Sister? They're brother and sister! Yes! I am so lucky. Oh shit. This means she has a brother. Aren't brother's really protective? The two sat down, Nora closest to me and Lynn next to her on her left. She worked, writing down notes. Wait! Should I be writing down notes!?!?!?

I pretty much just watched her for months, still in awe. I have to do something, starring at her is not going to get me anywhere, but i haven't even talked to her before. *Ring* Oh yes! Lunch, this is my opportunity. I walked up to her desk, which was turned to face her brother.

"So, Nora right, my names Noah."

At this she just looked at me, then slightly blushed, and turned away, like i gave her nightmares.

"Sorry, she's as shy as a mouse." joked Lynn

"Hehehe," I laughed nervously.

I don't know what it is about her, but it's almost as if she tries not to get close to people. I know this was really creepy, but I decided to redirect my course home so that I followed behind her for the majority of it. Later that day I was riding my bike (nowhere near her or my house) when I saw her. She was just smiling and humming her own little tune, without a care in the world. I've never seen her smile so bright before. She didn't have her brother with her, which is weird since there pretty much joined at the hip as far as being together goes. Then out of nowhere she looked at me. She looks like she just witnessed her brother murder someone. I smile at her, and after a couple of seconds she smiles back.

Nora's POV

He's smiling at me! Oh crap, what do i do now? Lynn told me to be more open. Not to be afraid of interacting with people. So i smiled back, and waved a little. I was supposed to be going to create some wind, but he smiled at me!!!! This man is amazing. He's nice, handsome, and just the right amount of nerdy. He waved back. Okay, i guess i should approach him. I crossed the road to where he was standing.

"Hey, Nora! Where are you heading too?" He asked

"Oh, just grabbing some groceries." i lied which not to brag, but I've gotten pretty good at it. Since i have to keep the whole, Mother Nature's daughter thing a secret or else all hell will break lose.

Noah's POV

She said something to me. But, i could tell she was lying about the groceries. My father taught me how to spot liars.

"Oh, well i guess I'll see you at school then." i said.

I would have lied and said that i was getting groceries too and that we should walk together. But i wanted to know where she was going. After she thought i left. I followed her. i know following people isn't right but i had to know.

She walked into the forest. After we were very deep, she made a high pitched whistle. A staff that appeared to be made out of air developed in her hand. I was taken back, but wanted to know what would happened next so i just watched. She then floated to a high branch in a tree effortlessly. She stood there for a while but then did a little twirl and fell off the branch backwards. At first I panicked and almost left my hiding spot to catch her, but she just gently landed on the ground. She started twirling and spinning and moving her staff. Everywhere her staff went a breeze followed. She looked free from all those thoughts of what people think of you, or any guilt that pursues you. Should i step out? No. Yes? I don't know. With ought even knowing, i was swept off my feet and flown right at her. She looked at me first with curiosity, then with terror. She tried to flee but i quickly grabbed her hand. She looked at me then struggled to get away. Then i took both of her hands and with ought warning, i kissed her. Oh my god why did i kiss her? I don't even know myself why i kissed her. I guess i just got impatient and did something spontaneous. At first I was expecting a slap, but no. First she blushed violently. Then she just stood there. Did i do good? Did i not mess up something for once in my life? The next thing really surprised me. She put her hands on my shoulders and kissed back. Then she backed away. Blushing uncontrollably but i was blushing a bit too i guess. We were now staring at each other awkwardly.

" you." i said. I looked away too embarrassed to let her see my face.

"I second that notion." she replied with a smile

Then I put my hand on the side of her face and kissed her again.

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