R.I.P Amber and Terrence (Death by Nora)

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"Rowans POV
I walked through the labyrinth of halls in the school. I looked for Nora. I had a new, more realistic, goal for today. I continued to walk when i noticed Nora's older siblings talking together. I walked up to them.
"Uh....Amber and Terrence right? Could you help me find Nora? Please?" I asked
The girl smiled and said
"Hmmmm, well i don't know where she is right now but i can give you her locker number if you like?"
I nodded
" its 853, good luck!"
"Thank you" i yelled as i began running. 853 that should be in the west wing. I ran over to the west wing and began my search.
I huffed and leaned against a locker.
"I looked....through the entire....school....and there is......no locker 853..." I said between breaths
"Hmm, looks like the ignorant boy shouldn't trust every person he meets?" Laughed Amber
"I fake number?!?!" I yelled
To that she started walking away with her brother but turned around and blew me a kiss and gave me a wink. The duo disappeared into the crowd that was forming in the halls. The bell just rung which means class is starting. Shit i am going to be late!
It was Lunch. My second chance to talk to Nora. I walked into the cafeteria with my little brothers hoodie on and over my head and dark glasses on. I looked over the tables. I didn't see her, i saw her older siblings though. Weird normally she eats with her family. Looks like i get to talk to them some more. I carefully slipped between all the people and arrived at there table.
"Wheres Nora? -_-" i said in the most annoyed voice i could muster
"Oh that dainty little thing? Poor girl is at home with the flu, so Lynn's taking care of her." She said as she made the sadist voice i'd heard but her actions didn't fit her words.
"Oh! I know! I'll take you to the apartment and you can talk to her there!" Yelled Amber
"Uh...no..." I tried to reply
But they grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the school! Isn't this considered kidnapping?!?!?
They took me to a back alley. This place is pretty shady. This is probably not even the right spot. I tried to free myself but it was like these two had superhuman strength! They suddenly let go of me. I turned around to face them but they were gone. Poof! Out of thin air! Shit! I had no idea where I was, but this place didn't look safe. I guess I should atleast get of this area. When I turned around, understandable annoyed, there was a gang of thugs behind me!

"Give us everything you have!" said the man at the front of the pack.


Nora's POV

Me and Lynn unlocked the door to our apartment to find Amber and Terrence making themselves right at home. Me and Lynn were out creating a hurricane all day, and we come home to them eating our food.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said

"Oh, we were out of chips so we came to get some." said Amber with a mouth full of chips

"Oh and we dropped that annoying stalker guy in some back alley, just thought i'd let you know" explained Terrence
Rowan's POV
I backed up and looked around in an alarming state, looking for any chance of an escape route. Yet to my luck there was none. The only solution i saw was if i ran up the side of the building and over the group. If only i could run up walls like in the movies.
"Come on no diddle dallying!!!" Yelled a gun lunging with his knife held out enough to make me jump.
"Ah...okay i..will take off my stuff." I replied
I suddenly pulled a knife out of my pocket. Did i know how to use it? No. I only kept it for cutting fruit and other little things. I ignored my survival instincts and ran for the guy in front hoping if i could take out the big dog, maybe the rest would back off. Once i was a metre or two away a man jumped on top of me knocking the knife out of my hand. I had me pinned down and slugged me across the face a few times.
"You have a little something right here," he pointed at the blood coming from my nose, "here let me get that for you." He said as he punched me again.
He pulled out his knife and decided to give me a cut on the side of my cheek. I cringed at the sharp cut.
"You didnt think you were getting off that easy did you?" He snapped
The cold metal of the knife slid across my torso. Slicing through my flesh. He had a pretty good gash, bought 15 cm long. I suddenly felt the weight being thrown off me. He let go of the knife so i was still in paled. I lifted my head to see a figure standing between me and the thugs. It stood there strongly as all the ruffians fled. The figure turned around and got in my vision.
"Nora?" I whispered
She didnt reply but i could here her mutter to herself.
"Those stupid...this is all there....i cant believ.....damn this looks pretty...okay up we go." I heard her say before wrapping my arm around her shoulder and dragging me.
You'd think she would have a hard time but she hardly seemed to struggle.
She flopped me down on the couch of her apartment. I didn't see anybody else here. She ran away, but returned with a first aid kit. She examined my body.
"Your face is pretty messed up but the problem is that cut on your chest." She said grimly
She groaned then continued to tell me.
" i would've liked to take you to the hospital were they can put you on some pain killers, but you'll bleed out before i get you there. This is gonna suck for you. Lucky for you i know what i am doing," she smiled at me, comforting me almost to the point of completely numbing the pain, "okay lets take care of the worst part first." She finished looking at my torso.
She took off my shirt and grabbed a wet cloth. She washed a as much blood as she could. Careful not to move the knife any.
"Once i take the knife out your going to bleed like crazy, so i am going to have to stich you up real quick. Translation, you don't get the luxury of slow and steady." She said
I was terrified, she had to "stich me up" while i was still conscious!!! YEAH!!! YEAH THIS IS GONNA SUCK FOR ME!!
She threw a wooden spoon in my mouth, i understandably bit down. She then grabbed a bottle of a clear liquid, probably some kind of liquor, and poured it all over the wound.
"MHHHMMMHNHMHMNMH!!!!!!" I screamed muffles through the spoon.
While i was screaming my brains out she got more supplied from the first aid kit. Needle and thread. She put the needle in her mouth and her hands on the knife lodged in my stomach. She didn't waste any time and swiftly pulled the knife out and weaved thread through my skin rather casually.
"MMMMMMMHMHMHMHMMMHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!." More screaming
This pain was a lot worse this time. She finished in about a minute. Then she quickly applied bandages to my face.
"Okay now that thats all good and your not dying i have a few people to kill. You can just take a nap. Lynn's in the apartment somewhere so if you need anything just call for him." She grinned happily at me then walked out of the room.

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