A Tranquil Escape

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Nora's POV

"Noooooorrraaaa. Tiiiimmmmee to get uuuuppp." sang Lynn

"Bleh, okay..." I moaned as I sat up and got dressed for school.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen where eggs and bacon awaited me. I finished my breakfast and me and Lynn walked to school. Amber and Terrence didn't accompany us this time because they were in Sahara creating a drought.

Our schools works like this. We have a little time before classes as soon as we get to school and right after lunch. I didn't see Rowan all lunch which was weird considering he normally came and talked to me at lunch. At lunch break I cracked open a book and put in my ear buds. I was just at the most awesome part when an ear bud was yanked out of my ear. I turned around, annoyed, to find Rowan behind me.

"Hey! Give that back!" I sneered

"Hmmm, Oh! I know this band! I love this band! I didn't think there was a person in the world who knew them other than me!" he cheered as he put on my ear bud.

"Really? There my favourite band. They make amazing music!" I replied excitedly

"There my favourite too! I didn't think you were the music type?" asked Rowan

"Music, is everything good in the world. The emotion, the lyrics, the passion, the amount of practice and devotion!" I said passionately

"Seems your not just a casual fan," he smirked, "mind if I listen with you?"

I nodded and he sat down next to me. I was alone since Lynn was helping with student council. I continued to read and he continued to listen to music. It was actually kind of nice. No awkwardness. No worry. Just relaxing and tranquil. I wish I could stay like this forever. Nothing on my mind but this. Just as that thought, the bell rang, signally to go back to class.

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