Interview | Three

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Welcome to the newest edition of the winners' interview series. Here we have our overall winner of the first edition of 1D fanfic awards 2021, Laventriloque. Join us and let's see what our winner has to say about this journey.

I: Interviewer (FlyingSprinkles)
W: Interviewee (Laventriloque)

I: Before starting, congratulations for grabbing the winning position in the awards!

Greetings, I am Mishti, a teenager who loves to do crazy things but also an introvert and shy girl. May I know a few words about yourself?

W: Thank you!

Hello Mishti, I'm 26 years old, I'm finishing a masters in theatre, I love to write, I'm working on a novel and hoping to be a published author in the near future ^.^ I live in Québec city, I'm an introvert myself (as hard as it is to believe to some theatre friends haha). Nice to meet you.

I: Wow! What a lovely introduction. Nice to meet you too. So when did you start your journey as a writer?

W: When I first learned about Microsoft Word haha I started writing when I was fairly young.. I'd say 11 or 12. Of course what I wrote was absolutely awful, It would be predictable stories about heroes saving the day by slaying dragons and stuff. My love is really to tell stories, I do that in the theater with my studies and different projects, but I also do that in writing.

I: That's nice! What is your motivation to write?

W: I'm a big people watcher, I love to observe how people live, love to imagine what their lives must be like. I love to create characters from there, love to imagine new worlds and put those characters there and see how they would act. I love the feeling I get sometimes when I write, it's like the world around me fades and all I can see are my characters evolving in this world that I'm the master of.

I: Wow! That's an amazing idea to write. Had you expected that you would win the first place?

W: Not really, there were a lot of good stories in the contest. People outside of wattpad often times underestimate how well so called "amateur" authors write. Especially fanfiction authors. I find myself constantly impressed by what my peers can come up with.

I: Well that's true. Even I sometimes wonder how they write so well!
How did you feel when you got to know that you won the first place?

W: Glad, grateful. Outside of those tight knit communities, I don't have that much support for writing stories on wattpad. So it's always heartwarming to get recognition there.

I: So have you ever participated in any other awards and won or was this your first time?

W: I have participated in other 1D contests on wattpad, I've been fortunate enough to win two before this one for the same story.

I: That's nice. Congrats!

W: Thank you.

I: What was the response you got when you first published this book?

W: I first published it on AO3, it was the third story and it instantly got a lot of response compared to the other ones. I think the fandom for A/B/O stories is bigger, so it's normal that it got more attention, but the attention was very positive and I think it played a big role in motivating me to see the story through. I'm still amazed at the response it's getting on wattpad to this day. To give you an idea, when I posted it on wattpad, I set a goal for myself to get to 1k reads on it. (It's not always easy to get reads on a story on wattpad as there are so many) but today it's at around 500k... I keep waiting for people to get bored of it haha.

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