Bloomers' Winner Interview (Beth)

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Welcome to our talk with the Category Narration winner XxxSistersxxX as we hear about their work and experiences.

I: Interviewer
Beth: Interviewee


I: Welcome here, Beth, and congratulations on your win! To begin with, tell me something about yourself and your writing journey.

Beth: To start with I am a 24 year old woman from the uk who is currently in her last year of an apprenticeship studying to be a civil engineer while work as a track engineer. In my free time I currently write, game and draw.

Well I basically started writing in my free time to improve my writing skills and get better with spelling and grammar as I’m very dyslexic and find it very hard. I decided the best way to get better was to create stories in order for me to have a reason to write. I recently was diagnosed with autism,which I have struggled with my whole life and decided to write a book kind of exploring my emotions and by creating a character who I felt was me I was able to show my family how I was feeling.

I: I mean, w o w! That's amazing! How did you get to know about Wattpad? What made you hit the publish button for the very first time?

Beth: Well I joined in I think 2013/14 and I used it mainly read other books I tried writing some terrible ones but never hit publish.

In covid so 2020 I finished a book I’d been writing for a while it wasn’t very good and I think I put it up for maybe a day or two.

But the book I did recently I wrote it, edit it, and edit it again got family to read and then decided to open my profile back up again and decided to publish just before the wattys finished. I of course didn’t win for whatever reason but I didn’t mind. I put it up incase anybody wanted want to read it but I didn’t expect anything to come from it. When I applied to this award I didn’t expect it to go anywhere as id applied to one other and didn’t even get passed the first bit. I was very surprised to share first place with a great writer.

I: Always expect the unexpected! Since you have so much to do, how do you manage your work and the writing?

Beth: To be honest I don’t know. I find the time wherever I can. I’ve always said I will never let my work become me so I work my 4 days a week of 7:30-4 and do my 9-6 which is 1 day of lectures. With my work I very much leave it at the workplace it never comes home with me. Uni I do but that’s because I need to complete it.

I am in a routine that on Mondays and Wednesdays after work I go to the gym then I come home study and before I go to bed I write or draw depending what my brains like. Tuesday I am at university all day as it’s two hours of driving there and back. Thursday and Fridays I work and do uni work after then in the evening I write and on weekends I make sure I’ve studied and do fun things for myself.

But sometimes I just don’t have the energy and I get home and sleep.

I used to get stressed and worried but recently I found that I have all the time in the world. I would never say I am so busy I have no time as that would be a lie because I’ve shown myself that I can do it all already.

But when I finish in may I know that I will have so much more time to write and I’m so excited if I can write double what I do now I could probably write four books my the end of the year hahah.

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