Breaking Point

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I sighed as I once again made my way slowly up the sidewalk. I couldn't believe it. Julie couldn't be dead.

I made my way inside, feeling numb. Two, Steve, Soda and Darry were inside but no Johnny or Dally.

"What's wrong Ponyboy?" Soda asked.

"Julie... Julie's dead." I said.

Everyone stopped and looked at me shocked. Soon tears dropped from everyone's eyes.

"Dally's gone. So is Johnny." I croaked.

"So he finally broke. Even Dallas Winston has a breaking point."

I thought about Two said. Suddenly it dawned on me why I could handle it and Dally couldn't. Julie was the only thing he cared about.

"I knew Johnny was going to break soon," Steve said. "We got a find him before he does something rash."

The phone rang and Darry answered.


He listened for a minute before hanging up.

"It was Dally. He rob a store and now the fuzz or after him."

We all jumped out of our seats and out of the house.

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