~Day 5: Cosplaying~

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Killer couldn't take it anymore. Cross had been bragging all morning about going to a comic-con or anime, whatever! He was just bragging about going somewhere, where other humans and monsters dressed up as their favorite characters from any show they watched.

And that was exactly about what Cross was bragging. And also about how he would go with Epic. His bro. And the both of them would hangout all day long there. And buy weird sh-.

Achievement of the day! Cosplaying

"And all of you should really join us!... we never really go outside for anything else" Cross stated.

Nightmare thought about the challenge.

"Actually Cross, I do agree with you, all of you need to socialise more" Nigthamre finally stated.

Killer almost spits his drink. He gave Nightmare a shocked glare. The other just looked away. Not want any trouble or comments about the decisions.

"Great! But first... we got something to fix" Cross said mischievously.


The whole group stood awkwardly at the entrance of the place. It was exploding with the number of people in it. Nightmare was truly regretting his idea of agreeing to come here and dressing up as one of the characters Cross liked. All of them seemed to be regretting this.

Cross had already met up with Epic and the both of them had run into the place and didn't dare look back. Nightmare sighed and turned over his three other subordinates.

"Let's divide, don't bring any attention, you don't have to stay in this building but stay close to the area" Nightmare stated.

Both Horror and Murder nodded before disappearing into the crowd. Killer stood awkwardly next to him. Both were silent. They were wearing... rather revealing clothes.

The both of them just stood there for a while before they decide to enter the building. It was very hot outside and they had started to sweat... at least the building was cool on the inside.

Cosplaying, day 5: complete

Nightmare and Killer sat together eating ice cream. It was a comfortable silence. Maybe going out more often wasn't that bad...

Due to the challenges and accidentally being discovered or even being suspected of doing something everyone though Nightmare and Killer might be secretly together. Killer found out when walking around that day and he overhead a few maids and butlers talking about the possibility that Nightmare might be thinking to make Killer his queen. Killer almost snapped but said nothing.

He didn't hate the maids and butlers but it got him kind of angry when they talked about him and Nightmare possibly getting together. Little did they know Killer liked Outer... but Outer being the innocent person he was kept on accidentally friendzoning Killer.

Killer really wanted to go and meet with his friend Color but Nightmare wouldn't let him. Killer was secretly trying to escape, right now he was sitting in the border of one of the highest windows. It was quite close to the roof so it wouldn't be much trouble to try and get it to the roof from there. Killer stood up and jumped, quickly turning around and grabbing the border of the roof.

He started climbing it soon after he finally reached the roof and saw Nightmare there waiting for him. Killer was kind of shocked, lately Nightmare knew where he was going which normally startled Killer.

"So where were you heading?" Asked Nightmare.

"To an anime con with Color" Killer sights, he knew that if he tried to lie to Nightmare it wouldn't work and he would get in worse trouble.


Achievement of the day! Cosplaying

Both stayed silent, they looked at each other again. Nightmare groaned and Killer just smirked.

"So~ do you watch anime?" Killer asks. Nightmare just growls.


"Hi Color!" Killer chirps happily running over his friend. Color turns around smiling, he was talking with Epic and apparently Cross was also there. But the three of them froze at the sight of Nightmare. Nightmare seemed pissed.

"W-why is he here?" Color whispered to Killer.

"He wouldn't let me come so I forced him to come" Killer explains, Nightmare growls and looks away.

"Cool bruh!" Epic said happily, "Let's get going, things are getting super cool over there!" Epic says excitedly pointing towards a crowd of people. Nightmare growled a bit. He had been forced to dress up as this weird anime character, who was also known as *Insert name* while Killer dressed as *insert name* (Think of a perfect anime couple that no one expected of). Nightmare was dragged by Killer towards the crowd. Closely behind followed Cross, Epic, and color. Epic kept on flirting with Color which kind of annoyed Nightmare.

"Killer bruh you know that you are dressed as one of the possible couples in *Insert anime name*?" Epic says.

"Really?" Killer asks confused, "I just dressed like them because it was the only thing I had for now, the other costumes were washing or I accidentally broke em" Killer says nervously.

"Don't worry, you can buy more but try not to get too excited and break them" Color says.

"Boss you seem mad" Cross says looking over at Nightmare.

"Too much positivity" Nightmare growls.

"Relax boss, don't worry about it" Killer says. For the rest of the day they talked about animes, their cosplays, other people's cosplays, who they ship, who they like, who they don't like.

Cosplaying, day 5: complete

Nightmare looked happier while Killer now looked a bit disappointed. He wanted to stay longer in the anime-con but Nightmare forcefully brought him back to the castle.

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