C5: Bramble Demon

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Chu Mu had received a very well-rounded education ever since he was born. This included physical exercise, so though it had been very challenging to run through the rough terrain, Chu Mu could still withstand it.

Chu Mu advanced along a small stream. The stream was formed by the snow on top of the sword-like mountain in the middle of the island. By walking against the water’s flow, Chu Mu wouldn’t get lost anymore.

“Mandy Monster?” Chu Mu suddenly slowed down, staring intently at a soul pet that was drinking 100 meters away.

Mandy Monsters had a trunk much like that of a lizard; with a pink body and sharp ears, they were part of the Beast Type of the Beast World. The Mandy Monsters were a short range fighter that excelled in defense and power while weaker in speed and agility.

“The Species Rank of the Mandy Monster should be around Medium.”

A Soul Pet’s power was decided by its stages, and stages could be improved through fighting, among other methods. As long as they were trained well, they could always be improved. From the first stage, to the fourth stage, to the ninth stage, and even higher.

Thus, stages weren’t an accurate measure of a soul pet’s potential and quality. “Species rank” was the most important indicator.

Species rank showed the species advantage of a soul pet.

Two soul pets could both be at the fifth stage, yet the soul pet with a species rank of Medium would be much stronger than the soul pet with a species rank of Low. This was an inherent advantage. It was like comparing a tiger and a dog. No matter how well you trained a dog, it would be still be hard for it to defeat a tiger.

Mandy Monsters were a popular choice. After all, Medium soul pets were usually easier to control and rose through stages quickly.

However, Chu Mu didn’t think highly of this rank. Mandy Monsters had a lot of restrictions, such as their slow speed; if it met a soul pet that was agile or could cast spells, it would lose without a doubt.

Chu Mu didn’t plan on lingering around this Mandy Monster. Mandy Monsters were quite mild, so if Chu Mu didn’t bother it, he wouldn’t get attacked.

As Chu Mu walked past the Mandy Monster, it pulled its head out of the water, its big eyes watching Chu Mu. Seeing that Chu Mu had no other intentions, it went back to drinking from the stream.

“Second Soul Pact, Capture!!”

Suddenly, a bright voice sounded out fervently!

Chu Mu immediately looked towards that place and saw a kid of his size trying to cast a soul pact.

Chu Mu knew this person. He was called Ge Sen and had brown hair with pale skin and freckles.

“Hehe, don’t even try to fight over it with me!” Though Ge Sen didn’t say anything, he could see the smug smile the guy was emanating, happy about casting his soul pact first.

Chu Mu smiled coldly and decisively walked away faster.

Once a soul pact was cast, there would be two results: One result was that the soul pet would become the trainer’s, and the other was that the soul pet would become enraged.

Though this particular Mandy Monster’s rank was Low, from its appearance, it seemed to be at at least the fourth stage. Being a fully healthy soul pet, the chances that the weak Ge Sen could capture it were less than 1%. And the consequences of failing was obviously...


Sure enough, the Mandy Monster was enraged, frenzily rampaging through the undergrowth towards Ge Sen.

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