C24: Soul Technique, Chong Mei

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Tang Xian’s face changed. Zhou Shengmo also turned around and displayed an extremely monstrous expression as he stared at Chu Mu!!

Chu Mu stood silently with a dagger covered in red blood in his hand. His gaze was cold as he stared at the other two people. Standing beside him was Mo Xie. Her eyes held the same coldness as Chu Mu and the blood on her claws had yet to dry. It fell onto the green grass drip by drip.

“Luo Chen is truly careless. He clearly knew that it was a life and death battle, but believed that you would only use Soul Pet attacks.” Seeing the bloody dagger in Chu Mu’s hand, a smile gradually emerged on Zhou Shengmo’s face.

“However, the death of such a piece of trash is also fine. This way I don’t have to be vigilant of him.”

Tang Xian’s expression turned even more gloomy. In order to dispose of Luo Chen who was ranked in the top ten in terms of strength in such a short period of time, Chu Mu, who had always been low key, was definitely hiding his strength.

Moreover, up until now, Ma Zhi and the other one who were both standing guard on the outside hadn’t appeared. One didn’t even need to make a guess to know that Chu Mu had already disposed of them.

A continuous slaughter of three people! Among them was also Luo Chen with strength in the top ten! This sort of strength and ferociousness exhibited by Chu Mu truly made one shiver!

“Tang Xian, get rid of him.” Zhou Shengmo ordered!

“My Steel Teeth no longer has much fighting strength left…” Tang Xian’s eyebrows creased as he spoke. It was pretty much only him who had fought the last battle, so his current Steel Teeth didn’t even have one half of its fighting strength.

“His trash fox also doesn’t have much fighting strength. Kill him and when you reach the Seventh Remembrance, I will help you obtain a third Soul Pet.” Zhou Shengmo still didn’t want to fight himself.

Tang Xian ground his teeth and coldly glared at Chu Mu. He stepped forwards towards Chu Mu and the Steel Teeth adjacent to him displayed an extremely ferocious appearance as it bared its fangs and exposed its sharp hunting teeth. It seemed to be able to rip apart the prey in front of it at any time.

Chu Mu calmly watched Tang Xian and his Steel Teeth as he slowly hid the dagger in his sleeve.

Mo Xie adopted a half-crouching position and her claws had already sunk into the muddy ground. She was like a fully nocked bow, ready to release at any moment!!

Tang Xian was aware that his own Soul Pet’s battle strength was already attenuated and didn’t dare to treat Chu Mu with any sort of contempt. He very meticulously made his Steel Teeth slowly creep closer.

Chu Mu didn’t have much patience and pre-emptively brandished his hand. Mo Xie was like an arrow flying out of a bow and quickly leapt forward violently. The weeds in the ground were suddenly like ripples in water as they flew up into the air on both sides.

The Steel Teeth was also classified as an agile type beast, and after Mo Xie suddenly charged at it, the Steel Teeth reacted extremely quickly. Its long teeth abruptly headed towards Mo Xie’s neck as it threw itself forwards in an attempt to bite her.

“Moon Shadow!”

Whilst in battle, Chu Mu and Mo Xie’s thoughts seemed to be interconnected- Chu Mu’s thoughts were Mo Xie’s exact thoughts!

As Mo Xie was rushed forward, a few blurry images arose around her alacritous silhouette. The Steel Teeth’s hunting teeth abruptly bit down, but only managed to bite off a piece of Mo Xie’s fur as Mo Xie’s claws streaked across the side of the Steel Teeth’s body. A bloody gash was left on the Steel Teeth’s slightly scorched body!

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