C18: Encountering a Powerful Enemy

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“This is no fun. Once your Moonlight Fox uses Charm and Affliction, my Soul Pet has no desire to fight. Even if it’s a level higher than yours, it’s to no avail.” Ting Yu growled as she returned her Soul Pet into its own space.

Ting Yu’s Soul Pet was a “Thorny Precious Flower Demon”; it belonged to the Botanical Kingdom- flower type- rose species, and it was a High Rank.

Within the island, Thorny Precious Flower Demons were the ninth highest ranked Soul Pets and their strength reached the seventh stage. Formerly, Ting Yu had remained discrete, and it wasn’t until recently when her Soul Pet was discovered by him.

Chu Mu was her roommate and would naturally know before others. However, when he found out that this small and cute girl possessed such a formidable Soul Pet, he was extremely shocked.

“Hmph, your Little Mo Xie is a freak. It’s clearly only at the sixth stage, which is lower than my Flower Demon. It’s rank is also lower than my Flower Demon and its claws have only just reached the first stage of completion. But my Flower Demon has no way of defeating it!” Ting Yu was somewhat bitter as she glared at Chu Mu.

“Haha, when the contest occurs, it’s best if you don’t encounter me.” Chu Mu laughed.

There were only a mere five days left until the decisive battles. After undergoing nearly two months of progress, Mo Xie had also learned Affliction and Charm, these two Beast Spirit abilities.

Affliction was a unique pretense skill of Moonlight Foxes and caused it to adopt a pitiful pretense. This garnered it strong Soul Pet sympathy, weakening the opponent’s fighting spirit.

Charm was a skill that would use a beautiful external appearance to create a facade, confusing the opponent’s state of mind.

(TL: It’s like pokemon)

These two skills had no attacking properties, but Chu Mu could use them very effectively during battle,and cause extreme danger to the opponent’s life.

There weren’t many people willing to provoke Ting Yu’s Thorny Precious Flower Demon, but when Ting Yu secretly fought against Chu Mu, she would always lose to him.

“There are still five days before the decisive battles. There shouldn’t be a problem for your Little Mo Xie to obtain the top ten spots.” Ting Yu said.

“My Soul Pet is perfect for restraining your Thorny Precious Flower Demon. In my opinion, there shouldn’t be many people capable of facing your Flower Demon, right?” Chu Mu said.

“That’s not definitive. Although I haven’t fought with those people, according to my knowledge, there should be at least a few people with Soul Pets stronger than my Thorny Precious Flower Demon.” Ting Yu said.

“Oh, let’s hurry and finish this battle. Explain to me the others’ Soul Pets.” Chu Mu said.

“You only know how to immerse yourself in training and breeding your Soul Pet so you don’t know anything about others. Eventually you’ll suffer losses because of this.” Ting Yu glared at Chu Mu.

Chu Mu indifferently laughed.

Subsequently, Ting Yu informed Chu Mu of the relatively strong ones:

“Tang Xian’s Steel Teeth, eighth stage- High Rank, its species rank is ranked tenth, but its strength is ranked in the top five!”

“Gu Feng’s Rock Demon, ninth stage- Middle Rank, its species rank is 20th, and its strength is within the top five!”

“There’s also Ge Qing who threatened to swallow you alive. Although his Scaled Serpent is only at the seventh stage, it’s extremely ferocious. After fighting others, it seems to not have lost yet.”

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