C7: Surpassing 9th Stage Organism

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Chu Mu crouched and borrowed the sturdiness of the branch to leap into the air. He flew towards the Cyan Bird and raised the machete in his arm.

Almost there!

Chu Mu’s judgement was extremely accurate and the machete fell precisely on the Cyan Bird’s trajectory.

“Yi!!” The Cyan Bird let out a sharp cry. Just as Chu Mu’s machete was about to chop down onto its body, the Cyan Bird’s wings flapped and its speed suddenly increased!

Chu Mu only saw the cyan colored figure slip past him and the machete filled with all his effort only managed to scrape the Cyan Bird’s tail, brushing off a cyan colored feather.

“Extreme Speed. This Cyan Bird is a freak!” Chu Mu’s expression completely changed as he didn’t expect that the Cyan Bird would have already learned Extreme Speed, which was an ability that momentarily increased its speed!

After the machete swung through the air, Chu Mu fell from a height of nearly 10 meters; fortunately, he fell on a soft grass patch. To alleviate the force of impact, Chu Mu did a roll when he landed.

Lifting his head, Chu Mu looked at the Cyan Bird with regret.

Generally speaking, only Cyan Birds who reached the sixth stage were able to use Extreme Speed a sort of flying stunt.

The feathered crest of the Cyan Bird in front of him was clearly only at the fourth stage of strength, but it was still able to perform a sixth stage technique. This meant that the aptitude of this Cyan Bird was extremely high.

High ranking and high aptitude simply made for an extremely perfect battle Soul Pet. If he could capture it, he could definitely defeat the others on the island.


Suddenly, the Cyan Bird let out a bird cry and the cyan silhouette gorgeously swooped down from the sky!

“Crap!” Chu Mu abruptly realized that he had angered the Cyan Bird and he grabbed his machete while running towards a thick shrub in an attempt to preserve his life!

“Huhuhuhu!!” An intense gale erupted behind Chu Mu and it became hard to breathe. The crushed rock on the grass began to fly everywhere.

“Tornado...holy!” Chu Mu turned around and astonishingly discovered a 3 meter tall spiral of air that swept away everything as it rushed towards him. The grass and shrubs were pulled out of the ground and tore up everything around Chu Mu.

A three meter tall tornado was enough to throw a 100 kilogram body 5-6 meters into the air. If he were to fall from this height, even if he didn’t die, he would at least sustain a heavy injury.

The surrounding stream of air became as sharp as a knife as the tornado was only 10 meters away from Chu Mu. He felt a heavy suction force pull him towards the tornado!


Suddenly, a cow-like sound echoed from within the forest. Immediately after, in between Chu Mu and the tornado, an organism covered in heavy armor appeared.

As the tornado passed through the heavily armored organism, this heavily armored Soul Pet was only raised a few inches off the ground.

This Soul Pet had an enormous body and the tornado didn’t have a large effect on it. It only incessantly curled up around its body.

The heavy armored organism was lifted off of the ground and whirled around a few times before slowly descending onto the ground again. As for the tornado, after being obstructed by such a heavy object, it ultimately slowly dissipated.

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