C16: Second Stage Defeating a Third Stage

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Little Mo Xie had already been summoned by Chu Mu and seeing the Ten Legged Centipede appear, the haughty Mo Xie also immediately leapt in front of Chu Mu. It stood off against the centipede that was over one meter tall.

Zhang Ge clearly did not want to be mocked by his peers, and wanted to finish the fight as fast as possible. He immediately ordered the Ten Legged Centipede to attack Little Mo Xie.

The Ten Legged Centipede’s entire body was like a iron chain. As it moved, it ferociously moved its tail pincer and resolutely smacked it towards Little Mo Xie.

Little Mo Xie’s body was weak, and her defense was lacking. If she was hit by the Ten Legged Centipede even once, she would most likely lose the strength to fight.

Luckily, Little Mo Xie possessed speed more nimble and faster than that of the Ten Legged Centipede. With a light hop, Little Mo Xie dodged the Ten Legged Centipede’s tail pincer, She suddenly extended her sharp claws and swiped at the Ten Legged Centipede’s body.


Mo Xie’s claws seemed to grind against metal. This attack clearly had not broken the Ten Legged Centipede’s defense.

Chu Mu didn’t pay any heed to this. After all, Mo Xing had attacked while dodging, so her body didn’t have a chance to gather force. Thus, it was very hard to exhibit the claw’s formidable power.

“Dance around it in circles. Its body is relatively sturdy.” Chu Mu had already thought of a countermeasure to deal with the Ten Legged Centipede and immediately instructed Little Mo Xie.

Little Mo Xie was also very agile, and after dodging the Ten Legged Centipede’s tail pincer, she never stopped moving. Even if the Ten Legged Centipede continued to swing its tail in attack, it would stop for a long time after every attack. It needed time to recover before continuing.

Zhang Ge saw that Chu Mu’s Moonlight Fox was extremely nimble and also knew that he couldn’t continue like this. He immediately used his mind to issue an order.

(TL: Something like a mental connection with the Soul Pet so that one doesn’t have to talk to communicate)

After issuing the order, the Ten Legged Centipede stopped continuously attacking Little Mo Xie. It abruptly coiled up, faced the ground, and unexpectedly dug into the ground in an instant. It left a large, deep hole in the grass field.

“Enter the ground to use Scuttle Attack?” A smile appeared on Chu Mu’s face. It could be said that he knew the Ten Legged Centipede’s abilities like the back of his hand. Immediately he issued an order to Little Mo Xie.

Little Mo Xie stopped in her tracks and didn’t move. She seemed to be quietly waiting for something...

Seeing the Moonlight Fox stand in one spot motionlessly, Zhang Ge, Ge Qing and the others sneered. Evidently, they thought that the fight was about to end. After all, Moonlight Foxes were a delicate Soul Pet and had no way of withstanding the Ten Legged Centipede’s Scuttle Attack.

“Hurry up and let your Soul Pet run. If its position is locked on by the Ten Legged Centipede, you will lose.” Beside him, Ting Yu was inwardly quite worried.

Scuttle attack was the standard case of a bug type ability. After digging into the ground, the Soul Pet would then suddenly resurface and attack the enemy’s spot: the underbelly.

Chu Mu didn’t pay heed to Ting Yu’s anxiety. He closed his eyes, consumed his own Soul Power and released his own perceptive force.

The perception ability covered the entire grass field. Even without using eyes, Chu Mu was able to use Soul Power to feel the light movement beneath Little Mo Xie’s feet.

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