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//Trunk's POV//

Ruby "Wow Trunks! That was a sick show of power!"

Yang "Yeah man! You actually made that look easy!"

Trunks "It was nothing, really."

Blake "You were the only one able to pull it out of the ground. Even students with body enhancing semblances couldn't even pull it out."

Trunks "Well...I guess you can say I had an edge in this competition."

Weiss "Hm? You mean...You've done something like that before?"

Trunks "That's right, I had to pull out a sword like that one, but it was WAY heavier. Not to mention that I had to transform to pull it out."

Ruby "Wow so it was that heavy?"

Trunks "That's right, I really think that at weighed half a ton, but I may be exaggerating it a bit."

Yang "Well to be honest, I don't think its an exaggeration for you. I mean, you lifted Goodwitch's sword with ease, so there's no point in doubting you. Especially when I experienced your power first hand."

She pats her stomach.

Trunks "Hehe, sorry about that."

Ruby then taps my shoulder and I look at her.

Ruby "Trunks are you sure you're okay?"

Trunks "Yeah I am, Why?"

Ruby "Well, your eye looks like...It looks as if you've been straining it too much."

Trunks "Hm? What do you mean?"

Weiss then takes out a pocket mirror and hands it to me.

Trunks "Hm?"

My eye looks...Strained...It looks as if its constantly dry. The vessels go all the way up to my pupil and are clearly visible.

Trunks "I...I don't know..."

Ruby "Do you need to go to the Professor?"

Trunks "..."

What the hell did he hit me with? I gotta find him and make him spill it quick.

Trunks "Nah, I'll figure something out."

I rise up and stretch.

Trunks "And I know just where to go."

A few minutes pass as I went back to my room and sat on the bed.

Trunks "I know I said I knew where to look, but where the hell is that exactly."

I begin to ruffle my hair to think where I could look.

Trunks "There isn't much to go off of, since I just randomly encounter them on certain occasions."

I then get up and begin to pace around the room.

Trunks "But what if those other three know what it was? That little girl was with them when they tried to ambush me. So maybe they do know..."

I then hear someone knock on my door which cause me to stop pacing.

Trunks "Come in."

The door slowly opens and it was Jaune as he slowly stepped in.

Jaune "Hey man..."

His eyes were covered by his hair which had seemed to been bed hair.

Trunks "Jaune? You alright? You seem like...well, you seem down."

Jaune "Uh...yeah...well...I need some advice?"

Trunks "Oh yeah? Shoot. Come on in and sit down."

He sat at the desk across the room as I sat on the bed.

Jaune "Have you ever, Hypothetically, felt as if yourself is living a lie? As if, you felt the need to do it."

Trunks "Hm...Living a lie? Uh...I'll need you to explain more in detail."

Jaune "Like...Your current situation is built up on a bunch of lies."

Trunks "Hm..."

What does he mean? Does he feel inferior?

Trunks "Um...So lying to yourself and people around you?"

Jaune "Yes! N-No...! Uh...!"

Trunks "Hey calm down, I'm not here to judge. Everyone has there time where they have the urge to lie to accomplish something."

Jaune "..."

Trunks "But the thing that if you keep building upon that one little white lie, its gonna come crumbling down on top of you in the most crucial of moments."

I sit up straight and sigh.

Trunks "People would have less faith and reason to trust in you."

Jaune then stares at the floor.

Trunks "But the worst person to lie to is..."

I stand up from the bed and walk over towards Jaune and pointed my finger at his heart. He slowly looks up at me with his sleep depraved eyes.

Trunks "Yourself."

Jaune "My...self?"

Trunks "If you keep lying to yourself, then your own body wont even trust you. Then at that point you can't even trust your own decisions."

I backed away from him a bit.

Trunks "There was a time when I thought I could've fought a certain pair of people. It was a lie of course to give myself a confidence boost. I had confronted the pair and was beaten ruthlessly to the point where I was barely conscious. But I was lucky enough for them to let me off the hook. But at that point I began to question myself about am I really ready for this role?"

I then see a little bit of life come back into his eyes.

Trunks "Well, does that answer your question? Sorry, but I'm not well-versed in things like this."

Jaune "It's fine, really! You gave me some great advice. Thanks Trunks, I really needed that."

Trunks "No problem man! Anytime!"

He gets up and walks towards the door and stops to turnaround and look at me.

Jaune "If you ever need anything, just say the word. I may not be able to do much, but I at least can try."

Trunks "I'll take you up on that offer!"

He then puts on a slight smile and closes the door on the way out.

Trunks "I wonder what that was all about? But anyways, I guess that I could look around the city. No point in not trying."

I grab my sword and put it in the sheath on my back and walk out the door.

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