Deep Sleep

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Today was fun. I haven't felt like this before in my entire life. Never had to spend my time not worrying about surviving. This was a...nice pace to have. I look at them as I close the door behind me out of their room.

Trunks "They have every right to be tired. Putting up with me an my antics,it's understandable. Now I guess it's time for me to hold up my end of the bargain."

Before coming back to the dorms, they pointed out to me that I've been looking tired or exhausted even. They even suggested that they see me off to bed first to make sure that I went to sleep. Well they aren't wrong, I haven't gotten that much sleep since I came here, and I don't want them to worry.

I began to walk towards my door and I feel as if someone is staring at me.

Trunks "Damnit, can't even enter my own room without being eyed down."

I entered my room and lie down on my bed. As soon as I touched the sheets on the mattress, I blacked out. I never noticed how tired I was.

??? "He's fully asleep?"

??? "It seems so."

??? "Alright grab him, and be sure to tie him up."

??? "Don't worry, I know personally how strong this guy is."

??? "Yeah right, you weren't the one that was punched in the face."

??? "Uh huh, anyways, we can't have him here during the plan. So we have to get him as far away as possible."

??? "Are you two finished yet? We don't know when he is going to wake back up."

??? "It's fine Cinder, we have all of this under control, in fact, look Emerald is already done with the poison laced rope."

Emerald "Shut up Mercury, I am trying to focus."

Mercury "You have enough rope to scale each building in Beacon. How does the poison even work?"

Emerald "It's working as we speak. It's slowly deteriorating the surface of his flesh and alters his memories. I don't know why we can't just kill him here and now."

Cinder "Because Salem has orders."

Mercury "Yeah...But why?"

Cinder "Beats me, I don't know why she wants him alive."

Emerald "Alright, he's ready to go. Let's hurry up and go."

Cinder "Agreed, I don't want to stay here any longer than necessary. Alright Mercury, grab him and lets go"

Mercury "Of course I have to; can't I get a little bit of help carrying this guy? He's heavier than what he looks like!"

Emerald "Nope he's all yours."

Mercury "I wonder what he's dreaming about?"

Emerald "Why are you even wondering that?"

Mercury "The same reason to why you won't help me lift his body."

Emerald "Oh stop being a baby!"

*Trunk's Dream*

Trunks "Alright, I'm back on Earth! It seems that the transportation was a success!"

Bulma "Hey Trunks! It's good to see you back so soon! Unless, there is another catastrophic disaster in the future again."

Trunks "Oh, uh, no no no, I'm just visiting!"

Bulma "Oh that's a relief! I thought we were going to have another problem on our hands. But it's still great that you came out of your way to see us! Right Vegeta?"

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