New Student In Beacon

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"You want me to join your academy?" "Thats correct I want you to join beacon academy." "Thanks but I'll pass." Then Glynda spoke and yelled "You insolent child! This is an opportunity that people would kill for!" "And I'm tired of seeing friends, family and innocent people dying, that's why I disagree."

They both stood in silence until Ozpin said "Thats why we need your help to stop innocent people from dying." This could be my chance to be a savior and not have to depend on other people, I can make my father proud. "Alright, I'll take you up on that offer, so Where is this academy?"

"Oh it's that way, kinda hard to miss it." "I WENT THE WR—!" I let out a sigh and said "Alright I'll meet you there. But what are we gonna do about this time machine?" "Easy I'll cloak it, the cloaking spell should last as long as I'm alive." "Alright I'm heading to Beacon, I'll wait for you at the entrance.


Trunks then flies off, which amazes me. "He can fly? Could that be a semblance?" "That's impossible, you have to concentrate a lot of magic to do that even if it is a semblance." "Well he did slice a Grimm in half with only a sword, and not to mention one hand." Glynda then stands there quietly.

I then cast the cloak upon the time machine "Now we must go, we can't leave our new student without a guide can we?" Glynda then grabs her broom and we both fly to Beacon academy.


I waited at the entrance for a good hour, and people started to give me weird looks, I then got a bit annoyed and closed my eyes then sat down in front of the entrance. "Where are they? There's no way that it takes them that long to get here." I then sensed them in the distance as they walked towards me.

I then opened my eyes and then as I was about to say something Ozpin said "Not here there are too many students." I then looked around and saw students looking at us and then he pointed at a tall building, "Let's go there to continue our conversation." We entered the building and went to his office which was the top floor.

"What took the both of you so long? I have to wait for an hour and people started to give me weird looks." "Well unlike you, we don't have a semblance to fly." Glynda said as she fixed her glasses. "Semblance?" "A Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user."

"Well I think I know what you mean, but where I'm from it's called 'Ki'." "Ki? I haven't heard of that before?" "Really, well it's not common from where I'm from either, so I guess that's why you wouldn't know what it is." "But back to what we were on about,Trunk's what did you mean tired of seeing people die?" "There was a person that almost wiped out all of humanity."

"My father and his comrade Goku helped me defeat this person. He killed my mother and that was the reason I went back in time." "Your mother huh? I'm sorry about that Trunk's." "It's fine what's done is done, so what do you want me to do at this academy?"

"You have the skill and strength of a great asset to this academy." Then Glynda said "But that alone isn't enough, you are going to have to study like everyone else here." "Alright, I'm Game." "Tomorrow is the training. And everyone will be sleeping in the Ballroom. Prepare yourself for a special day and try not to fly tomorrow." "Why?" "Well, you don't what to cause more attention to yourself than there already is right?" "Yeah I guess your right."

"But What's gonna be decent tomorrow?" "Oh training it's going to be fun and easy for someone like you, Alright now skedaddle, you have a big day tomorrow, and try to communicate from the look on your face it seems like your all about business and no fun." "Guess it's easy to read me huh? Well I'll try to make some friends, but everyone can't be a friend, Y'Know what I mean?" "Yes I do, now go on and explore the campus some."

I left the office and I saw a man mopping the floor, I decided to wave and he nodded his head back with a smile. I left the building and when I took a few steps I heard an explosion, I then ran over to see what happened and it was a girl in pure white yelling at a girl in Red/Black clothes  who was apologizing. I then walk over and said "Is everything alright over here?"

"Does it look like things are alright?! She just made me drop my dust!" "I said I was sorry how many times do you want me to say it?!" I then talk to the girl in white and say "Alright look I'll take full responsibility for this one's action, how does that sound?" "Who even are you? You were just waiting out at the gate and called by Ozpin to his office to get kicked out of this campus for trespassing." "Actually, he recommended me to join this academy." "He what! Even I wasn't recommended! I had to take the test! Hmph! Y'Know what I'll let this slide, you better be thankful, by the way what are both of your names?" "The names Ruby Rose!" "Trunks, Trunks Briefs." "Ruby and Trunks? I'll remember this!"

She then storms off, then she comes back to scrape up the dust off the ground and storms off again. "Who was that anyway?" Then a voice out of nowhere say "Oh that's Weiss Schnee." "AAAAHHHH! Yang don't do that!" I then turn around to see a girl with blonde hair. "Wow Ruby just got here and you already found yourself a boyfriend. They grow up so fast." "He's not my boyfriend he is a hero that saved me from embarrassment!" "So like your knight in shining armor?" "Yes— Wait NO!" "Hi my names Trunks Brief, and you must be Ruby's sister?" I stick out my hand for a handshake. "Oh a man that has manners, watch out Ruby he's a killer." "Yang!" I then smile, maybe this won't be bad after all. "So what is your semblance?" I asked Yang and she said "Well I can dish out attacks that are twice as hard as the ones that hit me." "Mine is just fast speed. How about yours?" Crap I haven't thought about that guess I'll just pull something out of the hat. "It's um... Ki Control Yeah That!"

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