Chapter 5

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Lindsay spent her whole Saturday thinking about Nick. First she replayed their evening together and nitpicked all her thoughts and responses. It was a wonder he didn't say good-bye forever at the end of the night. After she stopped worrying, she wondered what he was doing. Should she call him? Send a text? Maybe she should visit him tonight after Faith was asleep.

She tried to play with Faith and make conversation with her parents, but her mind was very obviously elsewhere. Until her brother showed up unannounced. At least his wife and kids were with him for a buffer.

As his family came in the front door, Lindsay reminded herself to be gentle and friendly. Perhaps her brother would be palatable.

She hugged Val and niece Haley "Nice to see you."

"We were at my parents for supper and I suggested we drop by before taking these two home." She set Haley, their oldest down.

"Faith, can you get the box of toys out from the closet?" Lindsay asked.

"And how's my least favorite sister?" Curt asked.

Val scoffed. "Behave or you'll get a time-out when we get home."

Lindsay couldn't figure out how someone married him. "I'm good. Great." She recalled the feel of Nick's lips on hers. That was great. She couldn't even brag about him. One date didn't make a relationship. "Really great." Yeah she was so going to his place later. Just for a make-out session.

"You're all smiles tonight. Not like you after everything gone on in your life." Curt crossed his arms. Val coughed.

Lindsay's goofy grin faded. "Not everyone can be like you Curt with a life of sunshine and roses. Some of us are human and make mistakes." She turned away. "I'll check on the kids, it's very quiet in there."

Val's angry whisper followed Lindsay to the living room. She sat beside the kids. Elliot, their son, threw toys out of the box while Faith put them back in. Faith turned to her mom. "They are out of control."

"They come by it honestly," Lindsay muttered.

Val took a seat on the sofa. She tried to make small talk with Lindsay. Their shared anger and discomfort made for terrible socializing.

"I'm sorry," Val said.

"It's not your fault," Lindsay said. "We've never been close. You shouldn't apologize for him, anyway. He should be the one saying he's sorry."


"He's not sorry. He doesn't think he said anything wrong." Lindsay looked at Faith. "Didn't I promise to take you to the park?"

Faith jumped up. "Yes."

"Grab a sweater and use the bathroom and we'll go."

Val looked sympathetic but Lindsay shook her head. She was running from confrontation, but there wasn't much she could do because Curt didn't understand how he was wrong. And speak of the devil, he walked into the room. "Have you heard from Kevin?"

There was no fake, Curt walked right in and punched her in the gut. At least Faith didn't hear. "Not that it's your business, but no. Please don't mention his name in front of Faith."

"She knows her father right?"

"He hasn't asked to see her at all. She's heartbroken over it."

"He's probably busy."

"Why are you on his side?"

"I'm not on anyone's side Lins. You split, it happens."

"Kevin treated me like crap for eight years and left me for another woman," she growled. She grabbed her sweater from the edge of the sofa. That was enough.

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