Chapter 18

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Nick arrived at the Miller house with a bottle of wine and a bouquet for Lindsay on Friday night. There was a dark SUV in the driveway he didn't recognize. Must be her brother's. He knocked on the door and three heartbeats later; it opened to Lindsay's smiling face.

She stepped back to let him and kissed him softly. "Good evening my lady. The flowers are for you, the wine for everyone. How are you?" She took them and set them on the table in the entryway.

"Amazing," she said with a glowing smile. She wore a skirt and when she spun before him, he noticed her thigh-high stockings.

"You look amazing." He pulled her close and let his fingers travel up under her skirt while keeping an eye out for anyone coming to check on them. "Are these for me?"

She nodded, biting her lip. A shy smirk on her face made his cock jump. This would be a long meal.

She stepped away from him. "May I take your coat, Mr. Matthews?"

"You may Miss Miller." He leaned closer. "And I'll spank you later." In his classroom. No one would come in on Friday night and he wanted to fulfill her fantasy.

He shrugged out of the coat, watching while she hung it in the closet. Would she attend his needs all evening? A submissive servant. The thought made him smile. He'd never played submissive outside the bedroom.

Nick pulled her close again. "Are you being my attentive sub tonight?"

She avoided his gaze. "Would you like me to be?"

"I think it sounds like a good prelude to my plans."

Lindsay perked up. "What plans?"

"I can't tell you yet." He brushed a finger across her nose. "We should go in before someone comes looking for us." Nick grabbed the wine and she took the flowers.

"Come on everyone's waiting. I've been holding off on drinking until we eat. Don't want to look foolish."

"I might like to see you drunk." He slipped his free hand into hers.

Dave, her father, and brother, whose name she had forgotten were in the living room with her brother's kids. "This is my brother Curtis. Curt, this is Nick. My boyfriend." Lindsay looked at Nick.

He nodded and held out his hand to her brother. "Curtis, nice to see you again. It's been a while."

"It has. Been busy with these rats."

"His kids are Elliot and Haley."

They were too young to care and he didn't know what to say. Comment on their adorableness? "I should put this wine in the fridge," Nick said.

Lindsay ushered Nick to the kitchen. Faith was standing on a stool with her back to him. "Hello Lillian," he said.

"This is Valerie, the woman brave enough to marry my brother. Val this is Nick."

"Good to see you again," Nick said.

"You too."

He held out the wine to Lillian "I brought this."

"Thank you, Nick. That's sweet of you."

"Do you have a vase for my flowers?" Lindsay asked.

While Lillian and Lindsay dealt with the flowers, he poked Faith. "Hey, how's my favorite six-year-old?"

She giggled and turned to him. "Hi Nick," she said, tipping her head to the side in a shy smile. "Can I have a hug?"

"Sure, sweet pea." He wrapped his arms around her. She responded in kind.

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