Chapter 23

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Nick arrived at school early. Anger still swirled in his stomach when he thought of his last exchange with Lindsay. He directed the anger at her but mostly at himself. Why did he get upset? He hid at Alex's house, sleeping in his friend's spare room. He didn't want to face her until he knew he could control himself.

But then while he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling his phone blinked with messages from her. The last one made him groan out loud. She tasted like sugar? Did that mean she tasted herself?

He was sitting as his desk, getting hard from the memory. She said she'd be here this morning to see him. Like usual. Would they go back to their routine?

He cradled his head in his hands. Why had he said all those things? They were true, but he could have found a better approach to the issue than yelling at her.

He almost headed down to the elementary doors to catch her with Faith. Instead, he went over his plan for the day. Hand back the papers he took in last week, start prep for a quiz, blah blah school.

A shuffle of feet at his door drew his attention. Lindsay. His heart sprinted to meet her. Her phone ringing broke the silence. Her steps stuttered to a stop. She pulled her phone from her pocket and her mouth pressed together. She held up a finger and swiped the phone. "Hello. Yes, yes. Okay, so it's done. I'll pick those up next week." She looked at Nick as her eyes lit up. "I'll call for an appointment. I'm free though?"

She shoved her phone back in her pocket and smiled at Nick. "I'm divorced."

"And you're free to move back to the city." Nick stood behind his desk, wanting a shield. "You have the money."

"I don't think I can buy a house."


"I will buy Holly's business. If she's willing to sell. If not, I'll start a business on my own."

"What?" He stepped from behind the desk.

She crossed to him. "Nick. You were right. I've been wallowing and whining and being a terrible girlfriend. I have much to apologize for."

Nick's fingers curled into his palm to curb his desire to touch her. "I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"I deserved it. You should have done it far earlier. I have been a self-pitying bitch, while I had the best thing in the world right in front of me, wanting to fulfill all my fantasies. You promised me everything and I took you for granted."

"You really want to stay?"

"I'm staying. I'll rent a place if you aren't ready."

He put his arm around her. "Lindsay."

She took a half step back then her body lowered until she was on one knee before him. "Nick Matthews."

"Lindsay Miller. On your feet."

"Mr. Matthews, I've been lucky you waited around for me to get my life together."

Feet shuffled at the door. Nick glanced up to see his homeroom students moving into the room. Figures they'd be in here early today. "Lindsay," he hissed. "You don't get to do this. Not right now."

She glanced behind her. "An audience. Good, the right rumors will spread. Mr. Matthews will you marry me?"

He glared at her. "Nope. I have the ring and the poetry planned out."

"Mr. Matthews, you're gonna say no to your girlfriend?" one of his students called.

Nick's lips pressed together as he looked from his student to Lindsay.

"Come on Mr. Matthews. You can't say no," a girl said.

He shook his head. "I'm the man, I get to propose."

They all groaned. "What century are you living in?" a boy said. More kids pushed in. "What's going on?"

Lindsay grinned at him. "Mr. Matthews."

He threw up his hands. "Yes, I'll marry you."

The students behind him cheered and clapped. Lindsay stood up and hugged him. She kissed his cheek. "Guess I can't kiss you now, huh?"

He hugged her. "Oh, Miss Miller. You are so getting punished tonight," he whispered. "Everyone happy?" he asked his students.

She giggled. "We'll be the talk of the town."

"We will. Don't rent a house. Tomorrow you and Faith can move in."

He glanced at his class who were chatting, sending texts, and glancing at their teacher hugging his girlfriend. "Tonight, naked and on your knees in my bedroom."

She nodded. "Yes sir," she whispered. "I'm late for work," she said.

They parted. At the door, Nick called out, "There's no ring, so this doesn't count and I will propose."

Lindsay blew him a kiss. "I love you too."

Nick tried to decide which punishment he would give her later. He looked at his students who were all grinning at him. "All right find a seat. You can spread gossip about me on your time."

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