Chapter 6

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Lindsay shielded her eyes from the sun. A great end of a summer day, despite the bullshit with her brother a half hour ago. She knew she should go home and put Faith to bed, but she feared her brother was still at the house.

"Mom, can I have a push?"

Lindsay completed a push to make Faith fly. "Wow, this is super high," Faith shouted.

"Too high?"

"No. Just right."

Lindsay checked her phone for the time. The desire to contact Nick pulled at her. She scrolled to his contact information.

"Another push please," Faith said.

"How about a huge push?" Nick asked.

Lindsay shoved her phone in her pocket. Her heart pounded against her ribs making her chest hurt. She peeked at him. His hair was ruffled as if he ran his hands through several times.

"Not a big one," Faith said.

"Okay, a medium one?" Faith nodded, and he pushed her a little higher than Lindsay had.

"Hi," he said, pushed his hands in his pockets as he walked toward her.

"Out for a walk?"

"Something like that. I checked at your place and your mom said you were here."

That saved her from making the first move. Did she know how to make the first move? Or respond if he made one? She smiled, feeling like a teenager talking to her first crush. "You found us. How are you? How was your weekend?"

"I worked until late Saturday and most of today. I am ready for tomorrow, mostly. I ate supper at my buddy's place tonight with him and his wife. How are you?"

He wore a T-shirt with an unbuttoned flannel shirt over top. He looked adorable with hands in his pockets and the cutest smile. She reached out and tugged the flannel. He looked shy, but she knew better.

He moved into her space. Too close, not close enough. "I'm okay. Mom took us shopping for Faith's school supplies and I polished my resume. I hope the bank will hire me."

"I'm sure they will. How are you feeling?"

"My brother stopped over. I'll tell you later." Maybe she'd tell him later. Lindsay didn't want to talk. Tonight she wanted action. Last night she couldn't stop thinking about him or the way he touched her. She couldn't stop herself from trying to replicate his touches until she shuddered with pleasure.

He peered closer. "Are you okay?"

Lindsay coughed and dragged her gaze away. She focused on Faith. "She needs another push. Hold on a minute."

When she returned from playground duty, Nick's eyes were on her. His intense gaze made her squirm and wish they were alone. He leaned in close. "Were you remembering when I touched you? It was the hottest night I've had. Ever."

Lindsay glanced at Faith

Nick moved closer, into her space again. "She can't hear me," he spoke in a low voice. "Tell me how it felt sugar."

Her thighs clenched. Were her panties wet? From his voice? "Nick."

"I like when you say my name." He swiped her bottom lip.

"We shouldn't..." She might faint in the middle of town.

"Okay, I'll stop." He stepped back. "Did you feel good? I'm not exaggerating when I say it was the best night I've had."

Ever? He had to be exaggerating. "It was good. I enjoyed myself."

"Just good? Come on Lins, stroke my ego."

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