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Your P.O.V.

To say I was nervous was a huge understatement. Terrified was a better word.

Olympus wasn't in the best condition right now. It seemed to be falling apart more than anything. This is my first impression of it, and honestly this is not how I wanted to see it. I take the first step off of the elevator, shaking in fear. I'm not sure if I'm ready to witness the enemy right in front of my face. Why did I even decide to follow these four? I'm such an idiot sometimes. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder, I turn and see it was Grover Underwood. He sends me a reassuring smile as if to say, 'I'm scared too but it's gonna be alright. Maybe...'

I smile weakly at him, grateful for him being there for me when I needed it. He was like the big brother I always needed, like my protector. I guess being a satyr it shouldn't be surprising to me. I glance over to my right and see Thalia Grace, the girl in my life who acted as a mother when I needed one and a best friend when I wanted one. She looked straight ahead, looking like she was about to murder someone, I decided not to have much interaction with her at this very moment. Taking the lead was the blonde herself, Annabeth Chase. Shifting around a lot, she seemed nervous. Not terrified like I was, but just nervous.

Annabeth was like my sister, sure we didn't get along sometimes but we always had each other's backs. She could try to kill me and if she asked for help the next day I would still be there for her, and vise versa. Annabeth and I may get in fights but we will always make up in the end. Last but not least, to Annabeth's right was no other then my boyfriend, Perseus Jackson.

Our relationship, a whole year it's been strong. For the most part, it's been the best thing I've ever experienced. Well, second best to leaving my foster family. I still can't believe it's been over a year since I left them and saw my childhood friends once again. The first day I saw my incredible boyfriend also... The same sea-green eyes and jet black hair that saved me from that monster in a ally.

All because I tripped over a little shoe box. A chuckle escapes from under my breath. A small little shoebox brought me here, I wonder how much the fates payed the tiny box. If I never tripped would I still be here? Or would I be with my foster parents still? I sigh and look ahead of me, a huge statue stood in front of us. I examined it a bit so I could figure out which god I happen to be staring at. After a couple seconds I figure out it was Hera, Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage. Percy had larger steps than Annabeth so it wasn't hard for him to past her.

The blonde began to walk past the statue, when Olympus began to shake. Hera, the statue, began to tumble around. My (eye color) eyes began to widen when I realized what was going to happen, "Annabeth! Move!" She stood there dumbstruck, for once she didn't know what was happening. I guess I wasn't the only one who figured that out. Thalia leaped to Annabeth, pushing her out of the way. You would think all was fine, then Grover and I heard the painful groan. We both dashed over and around the fallen statue.

Thalia was pinned under the huge block of stone, unable to move. Annabeth was sitting on the floor staring at Thalia, lost for words. It was as if Annabeth was a statue herself. Thalia tried to move then hissed in pain, "It's no use, you guys need to leave me." I look at Thalia, "You can't be serious! I need you now more than ever. There has to be a way to get you out safely! Come on. I'm not leavin-" Annabeth interrupted me, "_____, we have to leave her. Just for now." I bit the inside of my cheek, shook my head and got on my knees, "I can't do this without you, Thalia! Come on! Get up!" The tears burn as they slide down my face and blur my vision. Thalia nods to one of the three behind me as a pair of arms wrap around me and drag me away against my will.

My struggle to escape continue for a minute or so, then I give up. They won't let me go.

"It's not the last time you'll see her, you don't need to act so childish."

I lower my head and shake it, "you don't know that. You don't know what could happen. Percy, you can't even promise me I won't see her again!" He lifts my head and wipes a few tears away. "You're just scared, this isn't you talking." I huff, "How aren't you scared? We don't know what we're up against. It's Kronos, we don't know what he's capable of." He goes quiet. After a minute he grabs my hand and sighs. "We don't know, but I have hope. A wise person once told me, 'All we have left is hope! Hope that we can recover after this and go home, hope that we can all see Camp Half-Blood one last time.' Now I'm not about to let those words be worthless." I grin, "You got me. Next time, maybe start out with my own quote." I look to Annabeth and Grover, "You guys ready?" Annabeth hesitates, then nods along side Grover who says, "I'll follow you into any battle."

I walk past Percy and into the throne room with my eyes closed. I hear a gasp or two and slowly open my eyes ready to be surprised. There's only one person in the room, who's facing the opposite direction, and the sight of him makes me go even paler than I was at the elevator. My knees start trembling, I was that horrified. My feet, feeling as heavy as Dumbbells, are dragged across the floor and into the room. The male figure in the room turns around, showing his face. Another gasp, a little louder than the first, fills my ears for a second. "_____," I hear the male say to me. My head falls, I thought it was all fake. I sigh and look back up to meet golden eyes. Why couldn't the dreams just be fake? I mutter name under my breath in the end, "Luke..."

Let's see how far hope gets us now, Percy.

A/N *^* I'm terrible at this thing you call 'Updating.' OOPS, MY BAD. (AGAIN) (FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME) I really can't wait till this is over. 1.) because these writers blocks are killing me and 2.) because I have so many original story ideas. Anyways, how are you? Does anyone wanna talk to me? (Message me your kik and I'll find you) But you guys, PERCY PUTTING HIS ARMS AROUND YOU AND DRAGGING YOUR BODY AWAY. O.M.G. YESH! Okay, see you guys next chapter! ~Jewels

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