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So, I'm extremely busy this month. 

(Which delays and cancels the following:)
Delays Updates for Deja Vu
Cancels my Live streams this month

I have a school play coming up which I've managed to gain a part in. Surprise! So as expected, I'm extremely busy running lines and rehearsing while all at the same time panicking about grades, writing on wattpad, and also remembering all my lines by next weekend. Wow, did that sound worse than it is. I hope you guys can forgive me for 1.) Not updating my third book if you are reading it, 2.) Constantly updating on this book and my first one for pointless things most don't probably care for, 3.) Not being able to do the Live Streams, and 4.) For not editing for about 3 years after I finished my first book. (To be completely blunt, I'm not sure if that may or may not ever happen.) 

This WILL NOT delay or stop me from replying to comments or questions, that will probably never stop. I hope you can forgive me otherwise! I'll see you guys later! ~Jewels

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