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Your P.O.V.


I first head to my cabin to IM Thalia about what happened. I see the smallest of rainbows in the corner I walk over and throw a drachma in, "Oh Iris goddess of rainbows, Please accept my offering and show me Thalia Grace." Her image began to appear, "Thalia." I said, she looked to me. "_____, hey what's up?" she asked. "I kind of need to tell you something." I explained to her everything that happened and she looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "Wow. I'll keep an eye out for anything but I have to go finish our task for Artemis, I'll keep in touch _____." Then she ended the call.

I walked out if my cabin and looked around for anything strange. Well wait, everything is strange....

I'm pretty sure the Aphrodite children wouldn't want to get their hands dirty. One would, but Selina wouldn't do anything to harm the camp, it's her home.

Maybe some of Luke's siblings? I'll go check out the Hermes cabin just in case. I walk over to the cabin and knock. I wait and then a camper answers, Spencer. He's a really cool friend, he's funny too but Percy gets over protective especially after Luke and everything. So I really don't talk to him a lot.

"Hey Spencer." I say and wave a little. He chuckles at the wave and says, "Hey _____." His short, blonde hair is covered with his black beanie that says, 'Penguin' on it. "Hey, um you know what happened with Luke and all that today right?" I ask while rubbing my neck. He slightly frowns at that comment, "Yeah, I heard." I give him a reassuring smile I know he was close to Luke. "Well I'm looking to find out who did this and I was wondering if maybe I could ask your cabin mates about it." I say. He thinks about it, "I don't see why not. Come on in." He invites me inside.

I question everyone in the cabin and they all seem innocent to me, I have a good judgement of people. I ask the last few questions and head out if the cabin, that took longer then expected. Well there's also all of the undecided campers there too. I guess it could if took longer, I head to the Pavilion and sit at the Apollo table. I sit next to Will and eat my food.

'How am I going to find the spy?' I think, 'It could be anyone here.' I sacrifice some food to Athena, hopefully Athena will give me the wisdom to find the spy. I head to my cabin to get some sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow. I lay on my bed in the cabin, my eyes slowly start to close so I can slip into a dream.

I look around and it seems I'm in a, library? I see two people looking at me, one who looks beautiful with her perfect hair that changes and eyes that do the same. The other one looks to have black hair and stormy grey eyes. "Lady Aphrodite, Lady Athena." I greet politely. "Please, come join us _____." Aphrodite says with her now blonde hair and light blue eyes. I walk over and sit.

"_____, your father has talked to me about the whole charmspeak and I've decided it could save my home and children so I bless you with the power of Charmspeak." Aphrodite announces and smiles. "To use your new ability just put persuasion and confidence in your voice." I look to Aphrodite, "Thank you Aphrodite."

I look to Athena as she says, "_____, I would like to first thank you for forgiving Annabeth. Next I would like to say that I believe you could do better than Perseus but that is your choice." Aphrodite giggles, "I think they look cute together." I blush at that compliment. Athena glares at Aphrodite with her stormy eyes, "As I was saying, I've been watching you _____. I'm quite impressed at your actions and heroism. For that I too bless you with the wisdom of any child of Athena and even a little more." She finishes. I smile at all these goddess have done for me. "Thank you Lady Athena." The image begins to fade as I wake up.

I look around the quiet cabin. It's still early, like always, I've been waking up early lately. After the fight I witnessed I can't seem to sleep a whole night. I look out the window next to my bunk, I look up to the sun. "About 5:00." I say to myself. I get up and get dressed in the bathroom. After I'm dressed I walk out the cabin and head to the Arena, I could use some practice.

I get there and see it empty, I pull out my sword and practice on the dummy. I practice for about twenty minutes and hear foot steps behind me. They get closer and closer by each second. Now they are about a yard away, I quickly turn as they take another step and point my sword at them. "Woah! Put the sword down _____," a female voice said. I look up to see Selina Beauregard, she tried charmspeak I could feel it. "Oh hey Selina, you just scared me. Oh and charmspeak doesn't work on me." I said. She looked at me with a quizzical look in her eyes. "Why doesn't it?" she asked quite curious now. "Your mother blessed me with the same ability." I smiled and went back to training.

"Oh really? Have you tried to use it yet?" Selina asked. I look at her, "No, I need to though." She smiled and thought about it, "Try it on your boyfriend, it's good practice." I looked at her, just recently she started dating Charles Beckendorf. "Do you ever practice on Charles?" I ask. "Oh no," she responded, "I would never." I turned back around to practice, "I would never charmspeak Percy." I said. She slowly started to turn, "You need to practice soon, _____." I stop fighting the dummy, she was right. I need to get some practice somewhere.

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