Friendly Rivalry

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Today was the day! You were getting ready for your Pokemon journey. You had just turned 10 and had been researching Pokemon ever since you were young. And now, you couldn't wait to get things started. And as luck would have it, you would be moving on this journey with your long-time friend, May. You had May had known one another for years, almost like you two grew up together. Attending summer camps and Pokemon training was a lot of fun. And now you two were beginning your journey together from Littleroot Town.

You strapped up and walked out of your front door and looked down to the street to see the lab with the lights shining bright. Before you could take off, you heard a familiar female voice from down the road in the opposite direction.

May: (Y/N)! HEY!

You smiled as you saw your friend run from her home straight towards you. You walked slowly over to her as she slid along the ground and smiled at you just as she stopped. She placed her hands on her hips and gave you a massive smile.

May: You ready?!

(Y/N): Born ready! Let's get going slow poke!

May: Hey!

You laughed as you ran down the path with May giving chase not too far behind you. Finally, you two arrived at the lab just as Professor Birch stepped out and saw you both.

Birch: Hello children. Or should I really be saying, trainers!

(Y/N): Hey professor!

May: Good morning!

Birch: Hello to you both. Now then, let's get started!

Birch smiled as he walked back into his lab with you and May following closely behind him. You looked around amazed by all the cool sights, mostly the different biomes Birch had on display around his lab. However, you then saw the table off to the side with three pokeballs. Your starters. You were so giddy you always squealed like a child. You took a step towards them but heard a loud cough when your foot hit the floor. You slowly turned over and see Birch staring at you.

Birch: You will get your Pokemon in no time, (Y/N). But please, we have some work to do first.

You sighed and walked back over to him and May. May giggled a little and stuck her tongue out told you in a little mocking fashion. You glared a little before walking up right behind Birch completely. He turned back to you both and smiled, handing you two a Pokedex. You took your dexs and smiled back at the professor.

Birch: Now then. As with most professors, feel free to scan every Pokemon you can with a Pokédex entry. These are meant to educate you and hopefully gain some knowledge. Plus, you could even find some new species with these bad boys.

You both nodded as Birch look at you both, a small smile slowly forming on his face as he gestured over to the table with the Pokeball. You and May looked at one another and smiled as you both ran over to the table and stood on the opposite side as the professor. He smiled at you both and gestured to the three in front of you.

Birch: Take your picks then.

You were excited. You also already had your pick in mind since May spilled the beans on hers a while ago. And surely enough, May was quick to grab Torchic as her partner and starter. You reached up and grabbed Mudkip. You tossed the poke ball up and smiled at May as you have your chosen Pokemon.

Birch: Excellent work. Now, unfortunately, I seem to be down a few poke balls, so...I can't really...give you guys several all.

You and May looked up to the professor and saw the awkward smile on his face. You were both a little flabbergasted until he jumbled over his words and quickly turned around from you both. You peered over and saw that he was going through note cards. However, he sighed and quickly placed them into his jacket before reaching behind him and pulling out a wallet. He quickly scanned through and placed some bills before you both.

Birch: That should be enough for three poke balls each.

Birch bolted to a countertop and looked around it as you turned back to May with a confused look. Birch turned back and placed 4 poke balls on the table as well. He dusted his hands off and smiled at you both.

Birch: Alright then. Plenty of money for Pokeballs, you have your own cash for food then. Uh, have enough for half a team already. With that said, good luck, have fun, and don't die.

May: Wait, what was that last part!

Birch: Got to run, bye!

Birch pushed you two out of the lab via the front door before he slammed it behind you. You both heard some locking sounds then saw Birch jump out from a window with a briefcase in hand as well as a bowler hat.

Birch: Cheerio! I have pokemon to study!

Birch ran off into the woods as you and May slowly turned to one another, mouths agape. You were the first to break from the pose and snapped back to May.

(Y/N): Well, I'm game. Let's go. Oldale Town has plenty of shops for food and supplies.

You began to walk as May turned from where Birch ran off to where you were walking. However, she shook her head and took off after you. Once she did, she ran a little ahead of you and began to walk backward, holding her Torchic's poke ball in her hand.

May: Want to have a battle?

(Y/N): Not now. We need to get supplies first. Besides, they are too little leveled.

You knelt down and rolled your Mudkip's poke ball along the ground and let it pop. Mudkip emerged and blinked a little as he looked up at you. You smiled down at him and Mudkip smiled back and crawled up your arm as you offered it to him. You heard Torchic's native cry as May's pokemon did the same with her, each one going up to your shoulders respectively.

You two nodded and began to walk off towards Oldale Town. The walk was a quick one, but it was nice. You were able to get a sense of Mudkip's personality. A very playful little guy, something you were fine with. Torchic seemed a bit more stoic, and a bit combative, but clearly loved May. So, it was nice all around.

You guys arrived at Oldale within the hour and quickly got to the pokemon center to buy balls and food for your travels. May had said she found a better store and wandered off to the other side of the small town. So, you shifted focus over to getting medical supplies. Once you had gathered everything with the money Birch had given you guys, you stepped out and strapped everything onto your pack.

Once that was done, you looked down at your partner and saw Mudkip eating a little marshmallow. Well, he was more or less nibbling on it like a baby. You laughed a little and patted his head.

(Y/N): You're a little rascal. Aren't you.

Mudkip cheered as you stood up and offered your shoulder to him again. He hopped up and you got to your feet.

(Y/N): Now then, where are those two?

You looked around a little then saw May stepping out of the nearby department store with a small bag. You looked and facepalmed slightly before releasing a heavy sigh.

(Y/N): Of course. Come, bucko.

You walked down the lane and met May halfway.

May: Hey. How did everything go?

(Y/N): Fine. Why are you on a shopping spree? We just started.

May: I know. But I saw a little window shop and I couldn't help it.

You sighed a little and May gave you a pouty look.

May: Don't mock me.

(Y/N): I'm allowed to. Now come on. Rustboro City is a good mile and a half away. It will be a few hour-long walk.

May: Don't go too fast, ok?

(Y/N): Well, I'm sorry for wanting to get into my journey.

May: (Y/N), you've been saying that for years now. Relax a little.

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. Come on though. Let's go.

May nodded and the two of you began to walk down the road towards Rustboro. You were excited. Now was your chance! You were going to become Champion of Hoenn! No matter what!

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now