Chapter 1

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Aaaannndd... writer's block! 


Scar stood in his base in another new day on the Hermitcraft season 8 server. Sunlight streamed through the window of his wagon, and he smiled. Today was going to be good. Very good. He opened up chat, and typed in a message.

GoodtimewithScar: hey, Cub, Grian, Bdubs, can you come to my base? 

Cubfan135: uhh... ok?

Grian: I'm coming? 

Bdouble0100: coming! 

He closed chat, making sure everything was alright. Cake, other food, spare giant hats, totem in case someone wanted to blow him up as a joke...

'Hey, Scar, are you ok?' Grian climbed up the ladder and into the room. Scar turned around. 

'I'm fine! Why wouldn't you think I'm fine?'

'Because you've called me to your base.'

'Hey, Scar!' Cub appears, followed by Bdubs crashing into the window. 'What's up?'

Scar waited for everyone to enter the room, grinned, and explained.

'Welcome to my party!'

'A... party? Is that it?' Grian frowned at Scar.

'Yes! A party!'


'Because you're my friends, and I want to hang out with you.' When none of them seem impressed, I add. 'There's cake...'

'That's enough for me!' Cub quickly found the baked goods and headed over to them. Scar let out an internal sigh of relief, as Grian dashed towards the music box, grabbing a couple of disks.

'DJ G-man is in the house!' He whoops. 

'Go G-man!!' Cub replies cheerfully with a mouthful of cake. 

And thus, the party started.

The celebrations of absolutely nothing continued all day, with several memorable moments such as Grian terrifying Scar and Bdubs with '11' and '13' on his sound system, Cub summoning what he and Scar claimed was 'Captain Jack's friends.' (Aka, all the parrots both of them could find within 2 minutes of sneaking off and breeding them) and watching them all dance, and a full-on dance war which all of them ended up winning. The sun finally began to set, and Bdubs looked out nervously.

'You alright?' Scar joined his friend by the window.

'Yeah, I'm gonna set off and sleep before it gets too dark.'

'Aww... come on, Bdubs! You can stay up for one night.'

'Actually... I want to go home. It's been a ton of fun, but I should get back. A lot of building tomorrow.'

'Come on, Bdubs! The party's just getting started! We haven't even played the best songs, like 'Mall' and... uhh... 'Stad'.' Grian called over from the jukebox, holding up the first two music disks he could find.'

', I'm going. Bye guys.' Bdubs ran off, but Scar pulled him back. He tore free of his friend's grasp, and ran out, hiding his face and taking to the air moments later. Scar looked over at Grian and Cub, the former of whom frowned.

'That's odd... he wasn't wearing an elytra when he got here...' 

'Really? That's some freaky magic.' Cub replied, hiding his worry. 'Or, he's just got an ender chest somewhere.' 

'Wasn't he also in the no-wings club?'

'I have no idea, to be honest.' Grian replied. 'Anyway, I should also go. But it's been a lot of fun. We should do this again some time.' 

'Absolutely!' Scar beamed back. 'I'm glad you enjoyed it! Cub, you leaving too?'

'Nah, I can stay a bit longer. Bye, Grian!'

'Bye guys!' 

The builder slipped down the ladder and out of sight, leaving the (former) Convex alone. 

'Well, what should we do?' Cub asked. 'More music?' 

'It's a clear night. We could do a bit of stargazing maybe?' 


Cub and Scar set off for the roof of the wagon, lying down and looking up at the sky. 

'Look! There's Orion... and the plough...' Scar pointed to a couple of star systems. 'It's a perfect night for this!'

'Wait... is that a giant vex-face in the sky?' Cub laughed, 

'Of course not!'

'There's the eyes, and the mouth... and oh my goodness, there's a vex in the sky.' 

'Maybe it's a sign.' Scar suggested half-longingly. 

'Nah... they wouldn't send something as vague as this.'

'They know we're both love space...'

'It's unlikely...' Cub sounded unsure, but shrugged it off. 'Ah, well. You really picked the perfect day for a party.'

'I sure did.' Scar agreed, with a contented sigh. 'Grian was right. We should do more like this. Huge, mad parties and then me and you just star-gazing until we both fall asleep...' he looked over at Cub, who's eyes were closed. 'Cub? Cub!'

'Sorry, I fell asleep.' He joked. Both laughed, before Cub sat up. 'Well, I should get going. Lot of redstone and building to do.' He was about to fly off, before Scar called him again.

'Hey, Cub, we should... uhh... we should hang out more. Like Season 6.' 

'Yeah... We'll see. Who knows. Bye, Scar!'

'Bye Cub!' The vexling jumped off the roof, and shot away into the air, while Scar waved him off. 

A couple days passed, and Scar wiped his brow, closing another shulker full of sand and looking over the others he's gathered. Plenty of resources to start work on his mega base, whatever it was going to be. With a smile, he opened up chat.

GoodtimewithScar: hey, Cub, wanna meet up? 

Nothing arrived at first, so he gathered up his boxes and flew off to his starter base again, waving at Impulse as he landed. Not very worried about the gathering chest monster, he lay them all out in a sort-of order. 

Scar frowned as he heard someone panicking behind, and an explosion. He looked back to see the scattered items that used to be Impulse, and burst out laughing, gathering them up into a chest as the YWC creator arrived again. 

'Why am I so bad at killing people with ender crystals?!' Impulse half-laughed, half-complained. 'I failed to get Grian as well, and I did what he said, and I still blew up instead of you!' 

'You still shocked me.' Scar admitted. 'I didn't expect to be hearing explosions, jeez Louise!'

'Yeah... I'll see if I'm any better next time... bye, Scar!'

'Bye Impulse!' 

Scar looked back at chat as the fellow Boatem member ran off gathered his items and ran off. Cub hadn't replied yet. He was probably busy, the tycoon reasoned. And there was enough other stuff to get on with-

Xisuma: can everyone gather near Gem's base? 

Xisuma: it's an emergency

Also, 4 chapter and 2 shorter chapters in one day! 

WOOO!! New record!!!!

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