Chapter 23

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I've kinda been looking forward to this one! 

Let's go.

Martyn was already  planning how he was going to out-play Herobrine before he walked into the room behind Bdubs. 

He'd planned it since he saw BigB and Lizzie's deaths come up in chat. 

He wasn't going to let Herobrine win. 

'Martyn.' The glitch smiled thinly at him. He glared back. It wasn't hard for him to see Scar's face on the enemy, he realised, as his mind flashed back to Third-life. Bdubs stopped, halfway down the hallway, and Martyn stopped just behind. He'd already been given more freedom than Joel had. He'd been trusted to just walk behind, while his friend had been dragged along against his will.

It made him uneasy. 

'Martyn Littlewood.' Herobrine began. 

'Herobrine.' He replied with equal courteousness. 

'Would you like to join me?'

'What's in it for me if I do, and if I don't?'

Herobrine smiled again, as if he'd been waiting for this bit. A dog slunk out from behind the glitch's throne, and whined, as if in warning. 


Apparently not noticing, or not caring, about the canine third-lifer, Herobrine answered with a question of his own. 

'Would you like to be a king?'

Whatever Martyn had been expecting, it wasn't that. He frowned, trying to find the catch. 

'Why do you ask?'

'Because I want a co-leader.'

'You already have Cub and Bdubs. And if you want me to kill either of them, I refuse.' 

'Why do you expect there to be a catch?' sighed Herobrine. 'There's only a catch if you first refuse me. Because then I can't trust you.'

'That... makes sense.' Heart racing, Martyn realised he had an out. 

Another smile.

'Ren was always king in that Third Life thing you did. From Scar's memories, I can see that you desperately wanted to be in charge of something. But you let him get all the praise. He was tehe red king. You were just his bard, telling jokes and helping him in his fights.'

'I... had power.'

'How much?'


'I know you wanted more. And I can give you all you ever wanted here. Now. You are also half-watcher, right?'

'Yes. But I don't want to be a full watcher. And surely a vexling like yourself wouldn't want a watcher on your side.'

'I wouldn't mind either way.' Herobrine confessed. 'But I can give you all the powers of a watcher, without the influence and control of the others.'

Martyn paused at this. Whether he was pulling at random strings or not, the glitch was certainly convincing. How much had he secretly wished for the ability to spy on others without using actual watcher magic? How much had he wanted to be in charge of something? 

'So, will you accept my offer?'

Yes. Yes, you will. And you can help the others with it. If they really need help. Surely they can work it out on their own. 

Martyn smiled, stepping forwards. As if he needed any further enticing, Cleo appeared from a door to the left of Herobrine, holding a folded cloak fit for royalty, and a beautifully made golden crown.

A Glitch of Magic - a Hermitcraft (and third life?) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now