Chapter One: Gaijin!

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By this time, I couldn't understand what was more unbearable? living without a father? living in a new country? Or seeing my mom move on with someone else?! Nothing made sense to me anymore. Like life just has me riding passenger, handling this damn nickname that I'm being branded with to seem less than's getting to me. Not only at school but as my life unfolds in general, here all I have left is a mother who's never around and a stepdad that tries too hard to be my friend as if that's ever worked.

And Since first impressions aren't my strong suit, I'm writing this monologue in an extra black journal I found in my closet. In case anyone else ever wants to know me, this book can avoid any awkward silences or dry conversations, like my own personal barrier against anxiety. For starters to anyone listening, My name is Kashi Ashikage, I am fifteen with my birthday being on the nineteenth of October. The reason behind this book was to start a document on me, a chance to reflect on some of my decisions. A Fresh new idea to getting my life back on track. In the hopes that once this book is all said and done I'll have changed for the better...The keyword is "Better".

______________________________________ (ACT ONE)

It all seemingly started while I was still attending Hotski academy, giving presentations on how we felt about high school and how our experiences would better prepare us for our lives but, I gotta tell you this place did nothing besides give me a reason to hate homeroom, not entirely the class but the teacher as the majority with his cocky remarks and downplay of my intelligence like I was an ignorant tourist, thinking since I was born in America I couldn't come close to reaching my potential like everyone else. To hell with him, Japanese was a language I picked up long before I moved to Tokyo. I had to keep to my mother's culture just as much father's. Fortunately for me, I could barely hear anything while I was taking a routine morning nap during an overzealous speech.

"In conclusion, my high school experience has been filled with incredible opportunities, friends, and a better understanding of the world," A thundering round of applause filled the room. "I'd like to also take a moment to thank our facility for giving us their time and patience to teach us." The gravelly voice of old Mr.Eisen chuckled. "Well done Fujioka, very well done, I'm very impressed with the amount of effort you put into your essay," He gushed clapping in approval. She bent her back into a small bow and smiled at him.

"No need for all the formalities young lady, It's a pleasure to see such a fine young pupil thrive in the midst of one of my more tedious classroom assignments."

"Tedious? it was pretty straightforward sir."

"Ha Ha! Now that's what I like to hear!"

I slightly opened my eyes gazing at that girl who just presented, Keiko Fujioka, class representative and the prodigy of academics here in Hotski. With light gorgeous smooth skin accompanied with long dark hair that reached around her neck with fall hazel eyes. Although her friends were also beautiful, they couldn't be more different mentally, two princesses of the same glass castle. On the left sat Freya Tamura, A long pigtailed redhead whose hair reached around her shoulders, equipped with amber eyes that matched her intensity, This girl was a track star during the season with the eyes and speed of a hawk, giving her the nickname the Red Skyhawk. And on the right, Akari Himiko, her blond hair in a dutch braid with unrivaled love for attention, With just as much makeup to be legally called a clown. But no dude ever cared to notice anything more than the Immense bust of her tits.

"That was amazing Keiko!" Freya Exclaimed wrapping her in a close side hug. "Yeah, you did wonderful!" Akari added.

"It was nothing," Keiko blushed tucking away her graded paper. Freya playfully places her hand above her head. "It was way better than anyone else's." It caused a silent stir amongst those around her, whether it be sharp glances or angry scowls at the feeling of being belittled by someone who always told to be a companion.

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