Chapter One: Gaijin!

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I stormed off through the sliding door If my school was famous for anything it was for being well funded, not just by the government but also by wealthy locals that plummet thousands upon thousands into this place not knowing how it's being used. Normal schools here don't have a police department around the corner or an elite medical room with prescription meds for student use, but with all the underhand gang activity and harassment in this school, I shouldn't be surprised. A bunch of wannabes who group up and prey on other people, fortunately, one hasn't crossed me, and for their sake...I hope they never do.

Although, the noises on the top floor were always soft, a sign that silence was only a few steps higher, one place that made everywhere else seem small, The rooftop. A place seemingly made for me where I could breathe in the fresh air in a toxic workspace. With a small little push against the door, a strong refreshing breeze pushed back against my silk like skin and ruffling my soft wild black hair, seemingly whistling at a low velocity as it clashed against the metal fences that encased around it. I gotta say from this height it made me feel like I was still living in the same cabin on a mountainside, feeling the same cold breeze as If I'd never left. So with my back laid against the fences, I let out a sigh of relief gazing upon the nearly translucent busy streets ahead of the woods that surrounded our school.

As I opened my homemade lunch a small flow of slob dripped from my mouth, You would think because I go to this prestigious school that I'd be thankful for fresh traditional Japanese dishes.

But I'm what they call a picky eater, though there's one dish In particular that I enjoyed, a hot tasty delight called curry bread. With one bite it filled my mouth with a delicious combination of perfectly crisp texture, cooked ground beef, and melted cheddar cheese, all freshly enriched with various exotic spices that embraced a sense of spice and warmth throughout my body. With the classic side salad and skim milk.

*Vzzzzzt* *Vzzzzzt* "A message from Kazuma."

"Damn it, Kazuma just had to ruin the silence didn't you?" I thought to myself checking his message. The message read. "Kashi, Your mother won't be able to pick you up, be outside early." A little known fact about Kazuma, he was a police officer, a bit above average from the other guys my mom "Liked" but It's not that I didn't like him, but he's too stubborn to talk to and too uptight to laugh with. But damn could he cook some curry bread! As for my mom, she worked for the government, the same as Dad. She'd always been quick to take up more work since Dad died a couple of years back, that's the reason we ended up here.

I really miss how much we used to talk before he passed. It just seems like she's always leaving, never in the same place for too long. I don't like getting nostalgic, it only just seems to bring up more morbid memories of when he was still around when all three of us were actually happy together. When Mom used to sometimes call off work just so we could all spend time together, and how dad and I used to go hunting. He always made the things he taught me look so cool, how to fight, cook and abuse my second amendment rights.

I still have memories of the fall, to this day I still laugh at the times we camped around a small fire in the middle of the woods, freezing our asses off laughing into the night sky. I slightly frowned and stopped eating, it all seems so long ago. Even now, I still carry a piece of him with me. His old dog tags, tightly tucked in under my uniform just so I could pretend that I was still his little trooper.

About five, or so minutes had passed when I finally heard the lunch bell ring. I could see everyone walking to lunch or loitering around with their friends, seeing a significant other, though it felt good to say what I said, it didn't make me feel any less lonely. When suddenly the door flew open and another student barges onto the roof, the moron who sat behind me, looking to be out of breath and frantic as he slammed the door behind himself. "W-What are you doing here?"

Amongst The Dead: Days EndOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora