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If, in a game of Truth or Dare, someone forced me to name a grown man I had a crush on, my history teacher Mr. Josh Ball would be at the top of my list. Hell, aside from David Duchovny and Colin Firth, he is the only person on my list. Mr. Ball goes to St. James, so I know him outside of school. Jamie does not understand my crush, but since it renders me virtually speechless in class, Jamie finds it funny. I beg Jamie not to tell Danny.

"Mr. Ball's like, ancient," Jamie responds as we are discussing the matter quietly during class while working on our assignment.

"28," I reply and blush.

"Yeah, he's twice our age."

"I'm almost 15," I protest feebly.

Jamie rolls her eyes in disgust and frustration. "You just sit there and have your weird crush."

"What weird crush?" Mr. Ball asks. He is circulating the room, helping students with Mesopotamia timelines.

"She's dating Danny Algrim," Jamie offers. Embarrassing one's friends is only okay to a certain point, and outing a friend's crush on a teacher is not. Even our group knows this rule, and we don't know any of the unwritten rules.
"The short little dude with the curly hair?" Mr. Ball asks, looking over Jamie's timeline. "Don't forget Hammurabi's Laws."
Jamie distractedly grabs her textbook to look up the date of the Laws. I try to avoid Mr. Ball's eye as he looks over my timeline. "Very good," he says as he moves on to the next pair, giving me an encouraging smile. I feel my face flaming as red as my hair and know I probably look distinctly radish-like.

Jamie,Math is going to *kill* me dead.Cheyanne

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