I Might Get Your Heart Racing in My Skin-Tight Jeans...

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'What are you wearing to the homecoming dance?' Jessie's note reads.

I have not given my actual attire any thought. Even though I am a varsity cheerleader and spend hours fighting with my hair each week, I am not very 'girly'. The dance is semi-formal, but all that means is students are free to wear dressy jeans instead of an actual dress. Mentally, I fly through my wardrobe while my teacher explains the assignment. We are about to start reading John Steinbeck's The Pearl and are supposed to be doing some sort of pre-reading activity. I pull my mind off possible outfits and back into class.

After class, I hand Jessie back the note in passing. 'Good question. Probably my Buckle jeans with the design on the flare and my black halter top.' Jessie is familiar enough with my wardrobe that she will know exactly what articles of clothing I mean.

Danny is waiting in the doorway of the Spanish II room. When he sees me, he smiles. What did I do to get so lucky this year? Three amazing friends, a fantastic boyfriend, academic ease...

Somewhere in the back of my mind, a voice reminds me that I will come crashing down and hard, but I brush it off.

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