I Think He Knows

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I think he knows his footprints

On the sidewalk

Lead to where I can't stop

Go there every night🎶

The cold evening was as pleasant as it could've been for Eleanor to take a nice walk to his place. It wasn't the first time though, they'd been doing this for a month now. It's like everybody knew there was something between them but didn't know what exactly- neither did they. 

Eleanor walked down the sidewalk and remembered the last time she'd been on that street- last night. She would be willing to go there every night but sometimes, it's him to show up at hers, not that she ever complains. 

Walking into his apartment and seeing she was the first person to reach made Eleanor smile in relief. She was barely through the doorway when she hugged him tight, whispering slowly, "happy birthday, Lou."

"Thanks, love." She knew he was smiling, so was she as they loosened the embrace. He softly lifted her chin and kissed her lips. "Just what I needed," he winked.

"Even though I was here till this morning?" she said sarcastically. 

"Weren't here all day, were you?" he replied and made her smile at the ground. 

As soon as she entered with a few more kisses here and there, there was a lot more sound coming from the hallway and they knew more people were joining them. 

I think he knows his hands around

A cold glass

Make me wanna know that body

Like it's mine🎶

More people meant more distance between them and she despised it. She did enjoy watching Louis from afar, holding his wine glass ever so clumsily yet not dropping any bit. Watching him being so effortless in everything he did made her want him more, all to herself. That was the question, did she have him all to herself?

They'd been out having lunch and stayed at one of their places to have dinner or breakfast but never called it a date. They knew a lot about each other but were still not in a proper relationship, it bugged her but she still never brought it up. 

He got that boyish look that I like in a man     
I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans      
It's like I'm seventeen, nobody understands       
No one understands🎶

As of now, Eleanor loved going crazy over him. She enjoyed analyzing him. She just liked being around him. A carefree personality in a grown man inclined her towards him. Eleanor knew she wanted more of him, she might sound demanding but she's very childish when it comes to Louis.

"If he isn't giving you any confirmation, then just ask," Gigi suggested. Eleanor knew Gigi just wanted to help but she doesn't quite know what it is between them. 

"Maybe I don't know what I want yet. I don't know how to bring it up, but it's not like I'm unhappy," she answered, eyes still fixed on him. "In fact, this is the happiest I've been."

"Y'all are insane," Gigi rolled her eyes. She wasn't wrong but not entirely right either. 

Louis excused himself from the work-friend he was talking to and walked towards Eleanor with a wide grin. 

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