Don't Blame Me

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Watching the door not being locked was what scared Louis a little. He turned the knob and entered her apartment and an even scarier sight was ahead of him. A broken wine glass on the floor, stain on the wall and a few magazines scattered around the floor. But no sight of her. 

"El?" he called out softly. 

No answer.

"Babe, please say something if you're here," he called out again in desperation. He did not get an answer again but heard a noise. A muffled noise- a muffled cry. 

He followed the noise to her bedroom and found her lying on the floor, head on the foot of the bed, arms covering her face around her head. The motions of her shoulder confirmed Louis that she was in tears. He put a hand on her shoulder, sitting down behind her. She was still in the dress she was wearing while shopping with him. She jerked his hand away. 

Louis rolled his eyes and held her shoulders tight, picking her slanted body up straight. She tried to protest to his actions but stopped when she sat straight in her position, her back still facing him. 

"What are you doing here?" she huffed, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. 

"Els, what have you done to your apartment?"

"Doesn't answer my question."

"For God's sake Calder! I do not want to come to your place and find an unlocked door and a fucking mess inside!"

In a swift motion, she turned around, "why do you care?!" 

Louis saw her red eyes and her pale cheeks, he knew she'd been crying for too long. Her tears were all over her face and her hair was completely messed up. 

"Love, what have you made out of yourself?" he said with concern as he wiped the wetness off her face.

"I've gone crazy," she admitted. "I'm loosing it and it's all because of you!" she said accusing him. 

My name is whatever you decide
And I'm just gonna call you mine
I'm insane, but I'm your baby (your baby)
Echoes of your name inside my mind
Halo, hiding my obsession
I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy🎶

"Babe, why'd you say-"

"Because I just wanna call you mine," she stopped him from finishing his question. "You can call me anything you want but for me, I just want to call you mine."

"Then do it," he whispered, getting all her attention. She raised an eyebrow in question. "Call me yours, babe. I am yours."

"Are you sure?" she gulped down, avoiding cracking her voice while talking. "You've seen how crazy I am and how crazy I can get. You think it's normal?"

"You can be all crazy as you want to be," he paused, a smirk at the tip of his lips, "as long as you're mine baby."

Eleanor sighed in relief and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, Louis," she said in a low whisper. "It's always your name that I think of. You're wrapped around my mind. But it's changing me for the better. I'm learning to hold on, I'm learning to care. You take out the negativity from me, Lou. You make me human and you make me happy."

"Don't give me so much credit," he loosened her grip on him and brought her forward so that their eyes met. "You changed me too. You made me realise how love feels, El." Her eyes widened and he smiled down. "I love you. I really do."

"You-you-you... you really.. I-I-I... you," she stuttered as she struggled to find words to speak but was quickly interrupted with his lips on hers.

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