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"Walt! We slept in!" Vic says jumping out of bed and putting her pants on.
"What time is it?" He asks sitting up.
"Quarter to eight." She says buttoning her shirt.
"Good thing I'm your boss." They both share a laugh.
"I'm gonna make us some coffee." She kissed his cheek, smiled and walked out. Walt got up and put on a pair of pants. He walked over to the closet and grabbed a denim shirt. He put his arms in the holes but didn't button the shirt. He walked out by Vic. Sneaking up behind her, Walt put his arms around her. She jumped.
"Dub, don't sneak up on me like that."
"Sorry." Walt kissed her temple and let go of her. He walked over to the floor mat by the front door. Walt then picked up his boots and slid them on.
"Want me to pour you some coffee?" Vic asks.
"Sure." He walked back over by her. Before he walked away, Vic grabbed him by his shirt. She began buttoning it.
"There." She said finishing. She picked up her coffee and then keys. Walt watched her walk out.
"Are you coming?" Vic said standing in the door way.
"You know I am." He smiled.

Walt snuck in the back way to his office and Vic went in the front by Ruby.
"Did we get any hits on our suspect?" Vic asks.
"No." She says sitting down. Vic let out a sigh. She sat down at her desk. Vic opened her computer and started doing more research about the people that could be involved in the case. He heart sank and then rushed with adrenaline.
"Walt! Walt!" Vic yells. He came walking out of his office fast.
"Look." On the computer was a new article about how police in a little county down in Arizona found members of the mob under false names. Walt read the sentence. "You think who ever this is, their names a cover up too?"
"It's possible. Ruby has anyone called about seeing Robby?" The phone rang before Ruby could say anything.
"That was Omar. He said he found Robby up in the mountains."

The pair made their way up by Omar. Walt parked the truck behind Omar's. The two got out without saying a word.
"Is the kid you were looking for?" Omar asks.
"Yeah, that's him."
Vic examined Robby. He didn't have a scratch on him. Which did not match his story he told the sheriff. The story was the mob took him up there and left him without food or water. Vic arrested him so they could question him at the station.

Once they arrived, Robby was taken up to Walts office. Walt sat in the chair at his desk, Vic sat on the front of the desk, and Robby was sitting in-front of them.
"So what really happened?" Walt says.
"I told you."
"No. You didn't. What were you doing up in the mountains?" Robby sighs.
"Fine. I went up there to get some more pot to sell for the mob." Walt and Vic looked at each other.
"Ferg." Walt yells. A couple seconds later the deputy came in.
"Yeah, sheriff?"
"Can you take Robby to the cell?"
"Sure." Ferg grabbed him and walked him out. Vic got up and shut the door.
"So he is working with the mob." She says.
"Yup. I just need to figure out a way to catch the leaders." They both sat thinking about it.
"What if we could somehow trick them into something." Vic paused. "Maybe we have to use Robby as bait." Walt looked at her with his eyebrow raised up. "Robby calls and tells them to meet him somewhere. We stake out around there and catch them."
"Ferg. Zak." Both of them came into the office. "Vic, can you explain what you just told me." She nods and explains the plan to them.
"You agree?" She asks.
"Yeah." Ferg says.

They all listen to the phone call Robby made from inside the cell.
"Meet me at the corner of the crow rez. 7 o'clock." Robby says and hung the phone up.

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