Chapter 6

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Rose's  POV:

Jimin mentioned that he would be here at
around 5pm to take me back home.

And the clock seems to be taking its precious time to move.

I've been waiting for the clock to move its small and long hands to reach 5 and 12 respectively.

Is it too much to ask?
That stubborn thing, I tell you. ..
I even checked the wall clock hanging in the middle of living room to check if the one in my room working properly.

Sadly, it does!

Couldn't it move a bit faster so I can get to meet
my husband whose smile can lift my sad mood?

After Taehyung left my room, my mother graced me with her presence yet with another lecture about how to be a perfect wife and daughter-in-law and to avoid the further embarrassing events in front of elders'.

From when a kiss on forehead is a crime?
I touched the place where he kissed and couldn't
get rid of the grin appeared on my face. I can still feel the tingles created by his warm, soft lips.

Forehead kisses means a lot than the kiss on lips.

It represents the person's care and respect, while a kiss on lips represents passion, lust and may be love too.

I'm sure he respects me and my wishes.But does he care for me?

Can I, by any chance make him fall in love with
me in the mean time?

Love? As if !
There is nothing called love, Rose . Wake up
from the daydream you're currently enjoying and look around, will you? Have you already forgot what that word did to do a few years ago?

It destroyed you. You better wake up before its too late. Happily ever afters are only meant for books and movies. Haven't you learn anything from your parents married life?

Hoping for love from an arranged marriage is like searching for a waterfall in a desert. Don't let your hopes high as they only ruin lives.

Stop giving her negative vibes you monster of a
non beating thing! What is wrong in expecting a little care from her husband? It's not a crime.

Every living thing and non living thing deserves
to be loved. Stop crushing her dreams and let
me remind you failed in every freaking theory of
yours. He passed your every freaking stupid test.

He is a nice guy. There is no harm in having a
crush on her own husband.


Are you sure it's just a crush? She is literally
drooling a pool of saliva just looking at him awhile ago.

You stupid pumping and beating thing! You
should know better than that. She is liking him.

Next thing we know our poor Rose would be
trusting that guy, which is definitely a foolish
thing to do in just one day. Do you forget that I,
the great brain, should deal with feelings while
your work is to pump and purify the blood. So stop intervening in my business, you're services are not needed here.

How rude! Did you hear what it just said,

Rose? This is the reason I had to intervene in
your business. You're plain rude and gives stupid ideas to our precious Rose while I give her a hope to live and love. And hello it is my business to deal with feelings too, did you forget that I will be the one who would be hurt when she faces a heartbreak. See even people call it heartbreak not brain break

"And here I thought my wife would be waiting
for me with a beautiful smile on her face instead
her face is adorned with a frown" a voice rudely
interrupted the debate of my two vital organs.

The Arrange  MarriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora