Chapter 15

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Watch the above fan-made mv's really good totally relate to chapter mood . 👆👆👆


Rose cursed herself in her head. multiple times.she was so scared. what if jimin was mad at her for not letting him kiss her?

she was terrified now. she was just having fun, pulling her husband's leg. she didn't mind being kissed by her husband. but she wanted to tease him since he too had been teasing her.but,what if he was mad at her now? the thought terrified Rose, unwanted tears making appearance.

She had even their maid to leave, so she could herself clean the kitchen, to buy time,the past few days have been going well. she was warming upto her husband. but of course, things would never run smoothly always. there are supposed to be bumps.

she dashed the tears away with the back of her hand. but, she startedliking her husband, she prayed he wouldn't do anything to break her

Rose glanced around, to find anything
to work on, disappointed to find the
kitchen spotless.

She slowly made way to her room, hoping Jimin doesn't lash out at her.

On the other side Jimin was impatiently waiting for his wife in his room. she was taking too much time. he stood in front of the mirror, combing his hair with his hand, when he saw his wife enter, shutting the door behind her quietly.

Rose  quietly went into the washroom to change, not making any eye contact with her husband, scared she'll end up crying out of fear.

Jimin was already in bed when Rose came out, the covers hanging loosely around his waist.
Rose saw her husband sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone as she combed her hair. she saw him glancing at her from the mirror, as he.gave her a blank look and turned away.when there were no more knots left
in her hair, she walked towards the bed, her insides shaking with fear.

Jimin switched the lights off after his wife got under the covers, as he turned to his side, grinning.

If jimin knew his wife even one percent, he knew she would say something.

"are you mad at me?”, Rose shuffled towards her husband, placing a hand on his arm.
jimin grinned, glad his wife couldn't
see him.

"go to sleep rose”, he said, his voice stern, though jimin was laughing in the inside.

Rose sat up, scared beyond wits. "Jimin”, she started meekly.

"i said go to sleep Chae” Rose flinched at the harsh tone, not knowing her husband's game.

"i..i am sorry”, rose apologised, her
line quilips quivering.

"rose", jimin said in a stern voice.he was having fun seeing his wife trying to convince him. he wanted to see what she would do, unknown to the
thoughts running in her head.

Rose took a deep breath, hoping he won't push her away as she turned her husband around, facing her.

Jimin frowned when he saw his wife's face. why did she look like she was about to cry?the dim light illuminating jimin's frown scared rose, thinking he would snap at her.

she apologized again, "i w.. won't do it
again." jimin's frown deepened when he
heard his wife's voice crack.

"you can kiss me if now if you want to”, she offered quietly, desperate for her husband's forgiveness, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Jimin gaped at his wife, had she understood his silence in a different dimension?

"get the fuck out of my face if you are going to cry", jimin barked, this time really angry, as he put two and two together.(And yeah Jimin also have some anger issue which he control a lot )(He don't like to see Rose cry)

His wife thought he would do something to her, crying out of fear.

The thought was displeasing. Jimin thought they had made progress. rose flinched at jimin's tone, tears dripping on her face at an alarming
rate. "don't you understand english?”, Jimin snapped.he was playing a harmless prank and here his wife was, expecting the worst from him , always. what kind of a monster did she picture him to be? , Jimin thought bitterly.

Rose trembled from head to toe, she didn't understand why jimin was behaving like that for a mere kiss. but then again, she didn't know him that well."fine. i'll get out of here then”, jimin stood up, his wife's behaviour suffocating him.

"wait”, rose wiped her tears, holding his hand.

"l.. i said i won't do it again. you can even kis--" "what kind of man do you take me to
be?", jimin barked.

"Jimin”, rose started, "i am sor--

"shut the fuck up”, jimin snarled. his wife's continuous apologies were getting on his nerves. why couldn't she argue with him or make her point instead of apologizing? was she so

Rose stared at her husband. in their marriage of Two months, she had never seen him so angry.

Jimin sighed in frustration looking at his trembling wife. she was shaking like a leaf. though it irritated the.fuck out of him, he couldn't help feel helpless about their situation. he didn't.want his wife to be scared of him.

He glanced at his wife.

Rose's tears stopped, though she sniffled a bit, wiping her red nose.

Jimin freed his hand from rose's hold, as he walked towards the door.

"where are you going?”, Rose asked

"away from here", jimin snapped. he knew he was being unnecessarily rude. but at that moment, he wanted to hurt her as much as she did.

Rose blinked back her tears , wiping
the stray tear that made way down.

"please don't go”, Rose said softly.
she stood in front of her husband, "please", she requested.

Jimin glared at his wife. the hilarity of the situation was, rose still didn't know why her
husband was mad at her.rose threw caution out of the window when jimin continued to glare at
her, throwing her arms around him in a

jimin stiffened at his wife's unexpected display of affection, her arms wrapped around his neck, and her face buried in his chest.

Jimin's hands stayed put though, too angry with his wife to hug her. "i don't know why you are so mad at me”, rose started.

she didn't think jimin would be so mad if it was just about not letting him kiss her.

"have i done anything?”, Rose asked, looking at Jimin.

Jimin saw Rose's face fall when he
unwrapped her arms around his neck.
"go to sleep Rose.”

"but ”, rose started, her face falling, "don't be mad at me.

"then stop doing things to piss me off”,
Jimin hissed, done with his wife forthe night.

it was becoming difficult for rose to stop her tears from flowing, but she tried."Jimi--"
"either we go to sleep or i am walking
out of here. Rose hiccuped , her husband's harsh behaviour hurting her.

"i won't say anything. don't go." jimin glared at his wife as she got into bed.

Rose waited for jimin, though she was sad and confused with his behaviour. they were becoming friends, but she had to go and spoil it, Rose scolded herself.

She raised her head to see Jimin walking towards the balcony.

Though she wanted to ask him to come
to bed , she kept her mouth shut, too
tired to argue.





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