Chapter 3

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My's another chapter. I love you all so much. Thanks for showing your support to this fic and all my other fics. I loved reading your comments and it meant a lot to me.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and please stay safe. Love you to moon and back!


Jimin was furious. Nothing was going as per their plan. Another week had passed and their excitement of getting a response from the suspect had drained. They hadn't made another move and it was pissing him off. They weren't able to track the suspect and the security footage was wiped clean, which confirmed Jimin's suspicion. Either the suspect was an experienced hacker or they had someone to aid them.

"Give me something, dammit," he growled as he paced the room.

Taehyung who was watching him grovel from his bed said nothing.

"They should have found the address by now, started sending something and we could have nailed their ass." Jimin ran his hand through his hair. "This is why I hate these types of cases. It takes a ridiculous amount of time and tests our patience."

"Something you clearly lack at the moment," Taehyung commented earning a scowl, but the agent remained unfazed.

"We got a reaction, but nothing more. It's not helpful. They're here. I can feel it." Jimin clenched his fists.

"Relax, Jiminie. You know this was a long stretch. The stalker isn't going to show at your doorstep and beg you to arrest them," his partner of five years reasoned. "If it was that easy, the Seoul police would have caught them already."

Jimin exhaled, finally stopped pacing, and plopped on the bed. "I fucking hate this."

"We need to change our strategy," Taehyung suggested. "This friend thingy isn't working. Sure, we got their attention, but it isn't enough to warrant a reckless reaction that would make them slip."

Jimin nodded. "It's time for the next step."

"So, are you gonna flirt with him?"

Jimin shrugged. "We already did that once during the stream. I need to do more if I have to put the target on my back."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I don't know yet. I'll think of something." Jimin pursed his lips.

"So how are things between you and Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.

The older agent slanted a glance at him with an annoyed frown. "What about that? He's a nice person. We get along well."

"You aren't gonna make any move?"

Jimin cast an incredulous look. "You're insane."

"He is clearly flirting with you in any opportunity he gets and doesn't tell me you don't have a soft spot for him." Taehyung moved closer.

"I have a soft spot for you too." Jimin turned to his side facing his partner. "And we have kissed several times. Doesn't mean I wanna fuck you or take you out on dates," he deadpanned.

"Hey!" Taehyung scrunched his nose and punched his arm. "That was for the fucking mission. They'd have blasted our brains if we hadn't pretended to make out in that dingy corridor to look like a couple who sneaked out for a quick fuck."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Same. This is a mission and nothing more."

Jungkook was so young and he was a dreamer. Whenever he spoke, his eyes would sparkle with thousand dreams and they were all fluffy and full of roses and rainbows, unlike Jimin's world that revolved around solving crimes and chasing criminals.

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