Chapter - 4

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Before we proceed-you might wanna check out my new fic "Hate That I Love You." It's completed.

TW: Minor violence and blood (JK's stalker makes an appearance)

Also, read end note for clarification regarding the stalker.

Note:I heavily relied on google reviews and other food blogs to write about the Peter Luger scene. My take on stuff is related to reviews I read. So please be understanding if this different from your experience to the said restaurant (if you been there before). 

Visuals at the end of the chapter.


The date night approached sooner than Jungkook's liking. He read the script at least ten times in the past hour alone. The three-piece suit sat at the foot of the bed and he glared at it pensively now and then.

They had at least four hours for the date yet he was breaking into cold sweat already and worked out whenever he couldn't stay still. His eyes kept zeroing in on that kissing part on the paper. It wasn't even a proper kiss. Jimin was supposed to kiss his knuckles once or twice while they were dining in the restaurant. Then he would kiss his cheek or peck his lips depending on the mood outside the restaurant before getting in the car waiting for them and driving back to the apartment.

I can do this. It's just dinner and one kiss.

One fucking kiss.

A kiss that could ruin him.

Jungkook didn't realize he was pacing the room again and how he was completely zoned out when he went back to exercising in the living room. He didn't sense a pair of eyes following his every move since morning. He was counting hundred and twenty when Jimin intervened.

"Something's bothering you."

Jungkook stopped what he was doing and glanced up at Jimin who wore simple black shorts and an orange t-shirt but still managed to take his breath away. He stood, wiping his clammy palms on his sweats.

"Nothing...I'm just nervous." Nothing escaped Jimin's watchful eyes. So he tried to give as much truth as possible.

Jimin's intense gaze bore into him. "Is it because of the dinner?"

"I-I..." He squirmed under his gaze.

What do I tell him? It felt as if Jimin could see through his soul and there was no way he could lie to him.

"I've never been on a date," he mumbled.

It was true and maybe Jimin would let this slide.Just dinner and one fucking kiss. Yeah, he could do this. Close his eyes and pretend everything was going to be fine.

Jimin's features softened immediately. "I know. It wouldn't be any different than our previous trips. We are just going out for a friendly dinner. Nothing more."

For some reason, that hurt though it shouldn't. Who was he kidding? He knew exactly why it hurt.

Friendly dinner. Nothing more.

He swallowed the sudden lump that formed in his throat. "Yeah, right." He cleared his throat.

"Is it something else?" Jimin asked, stepping closer. "We can postpone the plan if you don't feel up to it."

"I-It's not that."

What about canceling?

What was the point in postponing when he would have to go through the same thing again? He wanted to cry his eyes out and beg for them to let him be. The warmth of his bed and the cozy walls of the apartment never felt more inviting before. Why did he even agree to this?

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