Jit trippin

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"You sold me out!" "You fucked up my sex!" "Okay and? I'll get my ass jumped by them, you'll be able to fuck her again." Boom, this hoe just punched the absolute shit outta of me. "Bro what the fuck!" So like compared to him I'm not crazy strong, so he basically whooped my ass.

Until his friends and Hunter came in. "Josh what the fuck!?!? Look what you did!" "Shit sorry, was paying attention and I was just really annoyed." The door open again and the guys who want me dead walked in.

"There he is!" "Son of a bitch." "Fuck off, can't you see I'm fucking busy?" "Sorry Josh, we have some problems with-" "Shut the fuck up, I don't care. Fuck off." "Okay." Seriously this guy just intimidates people. They left and he said, "Consider that a sorry?" "I don't want a sorry. Plus how the hell is that a sorry?"

"Uhm I stopped them from whooping your ass." "No you didn't, you stopped them from whooping my ass infront of you, but as soon as your gone they'll be on my ass." Some people are just dumb. "I can tell them to stop, I seriously didn't mean anything by it." "I'll take my chances."

He kinda looks hotter when he's sorry, not that he's hot or anything. I washed my face and took off the hoodie. "Where's your shirt?" "Didn't have one, I was planning on fucking somebody but my plans are ruined." Yeah I wasn't fucking nobody but I feel like lying to him.

"Oh uhm that must suck." "It's whatever, you win some and you lose some." I could see him staring at me through the mirror and I chuckled a little. "So you just gonna stay in the bathroom?" "Nah, I'll leave after I clean my cut." "You do realize there's four guys who want to jump you, right?"

"I know, I don't know them so I don't really care if they wanna jump me." See if I get jumped then I'll be better in a week, but I'm not sure I want to get more hurt. Josh walked out and Hunter looked just as confused as me. He came back a few moments later with a few bruises, "Who'd you fight?"

"Those guys that were gonna jump you." "Cool, clean your face you look stupid with blood on you." And not as hot, but that's not the point. "That's my apology." "Cool." "Do you accept it or not?" "Yeah, why're you so persistent?" "What?" G tryna play it off.

"You keep trying to apologize to me, why?" "Cause your friends with Hunter, so uhm I'd rather be cool with you then have issues." "Sounds smart." So he doesn't think of me as a friend? Damn kinda hurts not gonna lie. I put my hoodie on and walked outside.

The guy were gone, but there was blood drops probably from a bloody nose. "Hey Callum!" "What the fuck do you want?" "I haven't been fully honest with you, so I have a girlfriend. And she found out about us, she's got crazy brothers so watch out." "I already fucking know! I learned by getting chased by them, your a two timing prick!"

Should I hit him or no? Eh, what the hell. I punched him in the nose, twice actually. His nose was bleeding and he said, "I definitely deserve that, can you help me clean it though?"

"You lucky I'm bored." I took him to the bathroom and Josh looked at him in a scary way. "Who whooped his ass?" "Callum fucking hit me! I was just tryna explain shit to him." "Hey you very much deserved it, I'm just bored so I'll help you." "Explaining what?" "Is he your boyfriend? You can't call me a two timer if you had a boyfriend too!"

"Chill out, he's not my boyfriend."

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