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Okay, I cannot emphasize enough how important a good description of your story is to getting lots of reads.

Readers want to read good stories, and more importantly, they don't want to read bad stories. If your story's description is this:

(Girl) wakes up one morning and realizes she's in love with the bad boy, but she's the good girl, so she doesn't want to do anything with him.

You need to fix it. First, that is a totally cliche story, but secondly, that is a totally boring description. Like, come on, people.

Even if your story was awesome, and a total twist on the usual cliche, no one would know, because of this stupid description. An ideal description would be something like this:

(Girl's name), the good girl. (Boy's name), the bad boy. She's hated him since childhood, but he's always loved her. Suddenly, her whole world turns upside down when she realizes that maybe, just maybe, she likes him in return...

I admit it isn't great, but it's better. Then you could follow it up with more detail about the story, but definitely not giving away the ending. Obviously.

I do realize that this chapter wasn't super helpful, but let me elaborate on the good description thing. When someone is scrolling through stories, they can only see the first two or three sentences of your description. So you want to build up enough suspense and excitement about the story that the potential reader opens up your story to read the rest of the description, and then possibly read your story. If the description is completely boring, or doesn't give the reader any clue what your story is about, the reader is a lot less likely to read your story. Which is why you want a good, suspenseful description.

Like, for a mystery, you might say:

Two bodies. One detective. 24 hours before he strikes again.

And then talk more about it in the rest of the description, but with that one line as a hook for the reader. 

So, in conclusion, a good description is vital to your story's success, because it is what entices the reader to actually read your story. There's no point in a good story if there's nothing that makes a reader want to read it.

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