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How do you search for a story when you want something to read? If you're like me, I'm guessing you use tags.

You want your story to show up when someone searches, for example, mystery, if you're writing a mystery. So tag it #mystery, or #murdermystery, or #murder, if any of those apply. Tags are very, very important to being noticed. Also, they give people a vague idea of what your story is about. Like, if for some reason, your story didn't have a description (which it should), when a person was scrolling through stories they would see three of your tags. If it was, say, a romance, you could put #romance, #lovestory, and #boyxgirl (or boyxboy or girlxgirl) for the first three tags so potential readers would see that.

With all that said on the importance of tags, don't put a tag just to put a tag. For example, if your story was, like, a Harry Potter fanfiction, don't put the tags #chicklit or #anime just because they are popular and might cause someone to look at your story. These tags are irrelevant, and once the person who opened your story realizes those tags were just clickbait and will exit out of your story right away.

So the lesson we learned today: 

Always put tags on your stories, but never add irrelevant tags because that might turn away potential readers.

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