How to Get Followers

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Another way to get more reads is to get followers, people who will read your story if and when you post it. But I know getting followers isn't super easy, so here are a few ways to do that.

1. Follow other people.

What I mean by this is follow people who have similar interests to you. Like, if you have a story about Harry Styles, follow a bunch of people with usernames like Mrs_Styles or Hazza_Styles, you can assume they like reading stories about Harry Styles. Which means that they're likely to read your story. Because if you follow them, they might check out your profile, meaning that they might read your book.

I know there's a bunch of what ifs in that, but it actually does work. 

2. Follow new accounts.

The same thing kind of works with following new accounts.

If you follow a new account, or one that doesn't have many followers/isn't very popular, chances are they'll follow you back because they don't have many followers and are grateful that you followed them.

3. Set a follow goal.

Also, in your bio you could say that you have a follow goal, or when you reach a certain number of followers you'll do something. Like, say something like, "When I reach 350 followers I'll do a pet reveal." I saw that on someone's profile once. That way, people want to support you and help you reach your goal, so someone who looks at your bio is more likely to follow you.

4. Follow back.

All I mean by this is say in your bio that you follow back, because it's just human nature to be more likely to do something if you know you're getting something in return. Of course, you have to actually follow back, because it isn't cool to lie about that.

I think that's all, except for the obvious number five.

5. Write your best work.

Write as well as you can, and write something you enjoy. Because chances are if you love it, there will be someone else out there who also will.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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