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Chaotic and loud, a typical classroom set up when no teacher was around, filled with obstreperous students, a total mess, it is how their class' current state's perfect description.

Chairs and tables were disorganized, majority of the class were not in their proper seats. Some are shamelessly copying other pairs answer from the activity, while other's are having the best time of their lives, eating, sleeping, and laughing, a little too loud.

Sunghoon together with a few boys and girls of their class are lenient from throwing crumpled papers. They are unstoppable, and no one is safe from them. Not even, the most serious student that time, Jake.

The moment Jake got hit by one, he knew everything will not go as to what him and Patricia planned— to finish their activity within the span of the subject's time.

He pressed his lips into thin line and leaned back on his chair before trailing his gaze to the girl who's head is already creased and lips on pout.

Just like magic, the littlest of annoyance he felt dissipated. The corners of his lips rose and all he could think of is how effortlessly adorable she is.

Sensing someone's stare, Patricia's eyes wonder and the same time her eyes fell down on his, a paper hit her head.

Being expressive as she is, Patricia hung her mouth open, with her eyes slightly widened but it only made her cuter from the lad's eyes, he couldn't stop himself from smiling anymore.

And whatever it is that pushed him to do something unpromptedly fast as such as holding her hand and taking her away was the start of something blossoming.

Free fall || s.jakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon