No Matter what

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I can't just sit here! I need to help Leo! But...I can't seem to get up no matter how much I try. I looked down and realized that my leg was broken and bent at an odd angle.

Good thing is I can't feel the pain. But the bad news is that Leo is being lifted up by the Shredder who has a katana blade in his hand.

"LEO!" I screamed in horror. I wanted to close my eyes and turn away from the scene but I just couldn't. I heard Leo's painful screams and a loud thud. I could see my big brother's unmoving form laying on the ground.

The Shredder then began to stalk towards me. I gulped in fear trying to crawl away from him. However he still caught me. Shredder chuckled evilly. "You stupid turtle did you really think you could escape me?" He said lifting me up and bringing his blade down.

But...I never felt any pain. I opened my eyes.
"You are lucky I am feeling nice enough to let one of you hideous freaks live." Shredder said before dropping me to the ground. I could feel myself getting extremely dizzy. My vision started to blur and before I knew it i fell unconscious.

How long was I out? I thought to myself while clutching onto my sheets. Sheets? I thought to myself. How did I get here? I began to wonder.

I feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes but I held them back and my entire body began shaking with fear. Was it all just a horrible nightmare? I wondered.

I could hear footsteps from the hallway. Slowly I got out of bed and opened the door. I crept into the living room and saw that the tv was left on.

I could hear laughter coming from the kitchen. I ran as fast as I could I had to know if they were alive I had to know if Leo was alive.

I sighed in relief seeing my big brothers and baby brother alive and well. I let out a sob and caught the attention of my brothers who gasped at my state.

I fell to the ground overcome with such emotions. I could no longer fight my tears. I could feel three pairs of  arms wrap around me in a loving embrace.

I sobbed harder as I leaned against Leo's shoulder. "Shh Donnie it's ok it was just a nightmare little brother."

All I could do was whimper in response and hold onto Leo tighter. I was scared that I would never see him again or my brothers if they let me go.

"What scared you so badly D?" Mikey asked with worrying his voice.  I shook my head no I didn't want to relive that horrid dream.

"Come on brainiac, it'll make you feel better if you tell us bro." Raph said with worry in his voice as well.

Again I shook my head "no." I didn't want to tell them that nightmare I had I don't think I'd be able to tell them without crying more.

"Please little brother? We want to know what caused you so much pain don, we just want to help you." Leo said making me look him on the eyes. I sighed and finally agreed to tell them.

"A-And that's when I saw L-Leo get s-stabbed by shredder." I said my entire body shaking. I looked up to see my brothers reaction.

Mikey was crying, Leo was shocked and Raph looked angry.

Suddenly I felt someone hugging me yet again. I could feel tears on my shoulder. Which made me realize that Mikey hugged me. I hugged back trying to calm him down.

I looked up at my two big brothers who looked like they were trying to process what I had said.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that Donnie. That must've been horrible."

"I-It was the worst nightmare I had ever had Leo. Can we not speak of it again? I don't wanna relive it ever again."

Leo nodded his head agreeing that we would never speak of this horrid dream again.

I saw Leo walking over to where Mikey and I were. He wrapped his arms around the back of my shell. "No matter what happens little brother just know that I will always be there even when I'm not here."

I didn't know what to say so I just stayed silent. I looked up at Raph who was just awkwardly standing there staring at the scene before him.

"Well aren't You going to join the group hug bro?" After a few seconds Raph hesitantly walked over and joined the hug.

I smiled for the first time that night. Just being here surrounded in a group hug with all my brothers made me realize that no matter what happened my brothers and I would always be together.

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