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A/N this was one of my first stories I wrote. This one I wrote during the summer.

"His shell is broken dudes!." I vaguely heard Mikey say.

My mind was foggy and my vision kept going in and out and everything was blurry. My head felt like it got hit by a bus.

"S...ut....up...m...key." I heard someone saying but I couldn't make out some of the words that came out.

I felt a hand wrap around my arm gently pulling me up and wrapping my arm around their shoulder.

I leaned into them putting my head on there shoulder. I started crying softly the pain was unbearable.

"Mikey grab don's bo staff." I heard Raphael saying.

I could feel my vision going out again and I closed my eyes. I felt myself drifting in an out of consciousness. Eventually I allowed myself to descend into the darkness.

When I came to I saw my eldest brother beside me.  "L-Leo?" I asked my voice cracked.

"Yeah it's me little brother." Leo said grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I smiled and squeezed back.

"How badly was I injured?." I asked and Leonardo looked at me with a frown which caused me to become very concerned. "How bad was I injured Leo?!." I asked starting to get angry.

"'re um shell was damaged...I was able to patch it up...but I couldn't recover the missing pieces of your shell that shredder had broken when he threw you to the ground." Leo said and I was at a loss for shell was broken....why aren't my brothers teasing me about it? I'm even more of a freak then I already was.

"Don? What's wrong bro?" I heard Mikey ask.

I could feel my breathing quicken and my chest tighten I knew I was having a panic attack.

"Leo what's going on with him?!" I heard raph saying with panic in his voice.

I felt my hands shaking in fact my whole body was shaking. I felt like I couldn't breath.
Why couldn't I breath?!

I could feel my brothers crowding me which caused me to freak out even more I didn't want them to see my shell. I tried covering it with my hands so they couldn't see my shell.

"Guys don't crowd him he's having a panic attack!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up with tears in my eyes and I saw Leo. "Donnie I need you to breath with me ok? "Breath in and out like this." He said demonstrating what he wanted me to follow. After a few minutes of following Leo's orders I was able to breath normally once again.

I felt Leo wrap his arms around me pulling me into a hug. I began sobbing into his shoulder. I hated this why did it have to be me?! Why did I have to break my shell?! I thought.

"I don't know why it was you don, but I wished it wasn't you don't deserve this.I should have been there to protect you. Maybe then you wouldn't have to endure this pain...I'm so sorry I failed you little brother...." Leonardo said.

Did I say that out loud?! I thought to myself.

"No Leo! It wasn't you're fault bro! Please don't blame yourself. You didn't fail me bro I don't blame you at all. I blame the shredder this was his fault not yours." I said

I felt Leonardo tighten his arms around me which caused me to flinch from the pain.

I let go of the hug and saw both my little brother and big brother.

"Glad ya ok bro. We were really worried about ya." Raph said hugging me.

Raph eventually let go of the hug and I looked to see Mikey crying. I frowned.

"Mikey? I'm ok buddy I promise." I said opening my arms and he ran into them and started sobbing.

After a while he calmed down. "Hey D, at least you'll have a cool scar like Raph!" Mikey said obviously trying to make me feel better.

"No way bro! I think don's scar is totally better than mine Mikey." Raph said grinning.

I blushed from embarrassment. I know they are trying to make me feel better but I still feel a part of me is missing....well apart of me IS missing and I can't fix it.....

"Don't worry we will get through this together."   Leonardo said

"Yeah bro we will be here every step of the way! Don't hesitate to ask us for help!" Raph said.

"We'll help you D! Just like you've always done for us!" Mikey said.

I smiled "thanks guys..." I said and wrapped my arms around my brothers again.

It was then that I knew with my brothers by my side I would be able to get through the pain and I knew that they would always be here for me.

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