B- team

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It'd been years since his baby brother was taken captive by the Shredder. It had been three years since they had found his precious baby brother dead in the Shredder's lair.

He knew he needed to let Mikey go but a part of him just couldn't. How had it been so easy for Leo and Raph to move on? Why couldn't he just do the same thing?

Maybe it's because Leo and Raph still had each other that's why they were able to move on so quickly but Donnie was alone he didn't have his best friend around anymore.

Donnie sighed as he grabbed his bo staff and looked at the orange mask that was tied around it. Suddenly he couldn't look at the mask anymore and put his staff back in its place behind his shell.

Donnie wiped away a stray tear that fell from his reddish brown eyes. I'm so sorry I failed you Mikey....Donnie thought to himself feeling the same guilt he had felt the moment he saw his brothers lifeless body.

"Promise me you'll always be there to protect me?" Mikey asked his baby blue eyes looking into his reddish brown ones.

"Of course Mikey I'll always protect you no matter what." He had said with a small smile on his face.

Why did he have to lie to Mikey? Why couldn't he have kept his promise and saved Mikey when he had the chance? Why did Leo have to stop him? Mikey might still be alive if Leo hadn't held him back from going after the Shredder.

"Come on Leo! This is my chance to save him! I found a lead to where he is! Just let me go find him!"

"Sorry Donnie but my answer is No! It's to risky and dangerous it could be a trap!"

"I don't care! My baby brother is in danger Leo! he could be killed if he stays there any longer Leo!"

"I said no Donatello! I can't loose another brother! You are staying here and that's final!"

Donnie felt his hands clench into fist at the memory as more tears welled up into his reddish brown eyes.

"Mikey!" Donnie had yelled as he rushed towards his baby brothers limp body.

"No No No please don't do this to me Mikey!" Donnie muttered under his breath he checked his brothers pulse...he was too late.

"Mikey please open your eyes! Say something!" Donnie screamed in agony and laid his head on his baby brothers shoulder and sobbed.

Donnie frowned at the flashback and tried to get rid of the horrible memory but no matter how much he tried Donnie wouldn't be able to forget loosing his baby brother.

Donnie sat down at the edge of the rooftop looking up into the night sky. Donnie felt a cold breeze pass his shoulder and he could feel something touching his shoulder But when he turned his head there was no one there.

Donnie felt this warm feeling spread around his body and he knew then that he wasn't alone he knew that his baby brother was watching over him.

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