A horrific night

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A/N this is a Leo and Donnie centric one shot (brotherly love)

It was an unusual night for the turtles. No Kraang droids in sight and no footbots to fight everything was too calm for the turtles liking. Leonardo especially didn't like that everything was calm. While he did enjoy peace from time to time it still felt off to him. It felt wrong to him that everything was so quiet.

Leo had been on edge the whole time while on patrol he just couldn't help but feel something horrible was bound to happen. So while his brothers were having fun Leo stood guard and watched over the city just in case he was right he couldn't let his guard down he had to protect his brothers.

"Come on Leo, lighten up bro! Have some fun for once. All you ever care about is being a ninja! Just this once we actually have a chance to have fun so just enjoy it man!"

Leo's baby brother had said trying to get him to have some fun with them. Leo looked down over the city once more before sighing. Finally he placed his katana blades back in their place behind his shell and joined his brothers for some much needed fun.

But just when they let their guards down they heard an evil laugh. Leo didn't even have time to react on what was happening before he felt immense pain in his plastron. He looked down and saw blood seeping through his plastron.

His eyes widen when he looked up at his attacker. The shredder stood there grinning behind his mask at what he had accomplished.

"Leo!" He heard his little brother Donnie yell. He could hear Donnie's footsteps coming closer towards him. Leo hadn't even realized that he had fallen to the ground he couldn't even feel the pain.

He could hear fighting noises in the background but all he was able to focus on was Donnie who was frantically trying his best to fix Leo's injury. But he wasn't able to help much since he didn't have any medical equipment that he needed.

"D-Donnie S-Stop it's too l-late!" Leo yelled but Donnie ignored him. Leo could see tears forming in Donnie's eyes as Donnie kept repeating "no" under his breath.

"Donnie!" Leo yelled once more catching his little brothers attention. Leo weakly lifted his hand up and reached for his brothers. Donnie was quick to notice and immediately grabbed his big brothers hand.

"Donnie I'm sorry." Leo whispered and closed his eyes.

"No Leo! Don't close you're eyes! Stay awake!"

"T-Tired" was all Leo was able to say he could feel himself slipping and fast. He wasn't sure how much longer he would last.

"Leo! Promise me you'll stay awake! Open you're eyes don't go to sleep! Promise me!" Donnie yelled frantically his tears fell faster landing on Leo's face but Leo didn't seem fazed by it.

"P-Promise." Was all Leo was able to say before he felt himself slipping into the darkness.

"Leo?! Leo!" Donnie yelled shaking his oldest brother trying to wake him up.

"You promised Leo! Wake up!" Donnie yelled lightly slapping Leo across the face hoping to wake him but Leo never woke up no matter what Donnie did.

"Raph! We need to go! Leo's down!" Donnie yelled getting Raph's attention who was busy fighting shredder.

Raphael rushed towards Donnie's side and saw how badly Leo had been hurt. "Mikey we need to get out of here!" Raph yelled and Mikey was quick to grab a smoke bomb and threw it before shredder could attack them.

Donnie woke up with a gasp. He could feel his whole body shaking and his heart was beating rapidly underneath his plastron. He could feel his tears hitting his palms as they fell.

He wondered if all of that was some horrible nightmare. "Leo!" He yelled not caring if Leo was asleep he had to know if his brother was ok.

Donnie couldn't calm himself down no matter what he tried. Flashbacks from the nightmare came to his mind which only made things worse for Donnie.

Donnie could hear rushing footsteps coming from the hallway. He could hear his bedroom door being opened but he didn't bother to look up and see who it was.

He felt a hand placed on his shoulder which caused him to flinch. Slowly Donnie looked up and was met with sapphire blue eyes looking at him with concern.

"Donnie? What's wrong little brother?" Leo asked seeing the distraught look on his purple masked brothers face.

Donnie couldn't respond no matter how many times he opened his mouth to try and tell Leo he always found himself closing it and changing his mind. He couldn't tell Leo. He didn't want to relive such a horrid dream.

"Donnie, please tell me what's wrong little brother, I can't help you unless you tell me." Leo said placing both his hands on each of Donnie's shoulders.

Donnie shook his head no. He looked up at Leo with tear filled eyes. Donnie couldn't tell Leo about that dream even though he so badly wanted to.

Leo sighed and hugged Donnie close to him. "Shh little brother, calm down, it was just a nightmare ok?" Leo said rubbing circles around Donnie's shell with his hand hoping to calm him down.

After a few minutes Donnie was finally able to stop shaking and crying. He sat up and looked up at Leo. "Can you tell me what caused you to be so upset Donnie?" Leo asked sitting beside Donnie on his bed placing a hand on Donnie's shoulder to reassure him that he was indeed still there.

Donnie whimpered in response but nodded his head. He knew he'd have to tell Leo. And so Donnie began to explain why he was so worked up over some stupid nightmare.

"And that's when you closed you're eyes and wouldn't wake up." Donnie said feeling tears form in his eyes once more.

"Donnie, I'm here alright? I'm not going anywhere anytime soon ok?" Leo said trying to reassure his still visibly upset brother.

Donnie nodded his head in response "p-promise?" Donnie asked looking into Leo's eyes with fear.

"Of course Donnie, I'll always be here even when I'm not."

Donnie smiled and laid his head on Leo's shoulder and closed his eyes. Leo wanted to shove his brother off him but after seeing how happy his brother was just to be near Leo. Leo decided that he would stay just for a few minutes.

Donnie sighed happily feeling a hand wrap around his shell and pulling him closer. "Goodnight little brother, I'll be here when you wake up."

Donnie's smile widened. He then felt himself falling into a deep sleep. Sure his nightmare may have scarred him. But he knew his big brother would always keep the nightmares away.

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