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A/N this story was requested by @wickedlyTMNT

Mikey was alone he had been jumping from rooftop to rooftop searching desperately for his big bros. But he found nothing he has tried calling each brothers t-phone for the past four hours now and all of them said "sorry but this phone is no longer working please try again later." Which of course scared Mikey half to death thinking something bad had happened to his beloved big brothers.

Mikey began to reflect on the conversation that they had had just hours before his big brothers went "missing"

"Ok Mikey you know the plan right?" Leo asked making sure Mikey knew what Leo had just explained.

"Sure do dude! I stay here and watch out for the baddies while you guys storm into TCRI and stop the portal!"

"That's right Mikey, we will be back in an hour stay here! And don't come find us after just meet us back at the shell raiser!"

"Ok!" Mikey said completely obvious that this was all part of his big brothers plan to get rid of him they had all agreed that their baby brother was too much of a mess up to keep on their team anymore but they couldn't hurt his feelings by kicking him off so they decided to abandon their brother and leave him for the "baddies" to find him as Mikey called them.

However mikey had a short attention span and was soon distracted he hovered over one of the rooftops edge and looked down there he saw his big brothers and Mikey was just about to join then when he heard laughter and the big brothers were giving each other a high three. He was actually able to hear what his brothers were saying then again he wasn't too far from them.

"Man I can't believe we actually managed to trick Mikey!"

"Well he is gullible Leo,But don't you guys feel at least a bit guilty? I mean our baby brother can hardly look after himself. He won't be able to survive on his own!"

"Nah! Come on Donnie just think for once we can have peace I'm so glad we decided to abandon Mikey! Everything will be so peaceful now!"

"But...I still don't like it...maybe we should just find him and bring him home?"

"No donnie! He's not coming home! We had already made that decision!"

"No you made that decision I wanted nothing to do with it! He's our baby brother. No turtle left behind remember?"

"Well...yeah but that excludes Mikey. He's annoying Donnie. He deserves to be abandoned."

"Whatever I'm not gonna stand here anymore and let you talk bad about my baby brother!"

"Donnie wait up!"

Mikey heard before the brothers had left. Mikey sighed sadly he knew they wanted to get rid of him but thankfully Donnie still cared. Right?

Mikey whimpered at the flashback that went through his mind. When he had went to where the shell raiser was it was gone and no where to be seen. He wasn't sure how his bros beat him to the shell raiser but they some how did. Mikey was confused he couldn't understand why his big brothers left him why they abandoned him.

He remembered when they were turtle tots that they had all promised "no turtle left behind." But Mikey knew that had excluded him since his brothers had abandoned him.

So this was his life now? How was he supposed to live on his own? What was he supposed to do without his big brothers by his side? He missed them so much already but they weren't coming back for him he knew that they really didn't have any intention of coming to find him.

Mikey woke up panting and shaking. His breathing was erratic and his heart was beating fast against his plastron.

Mikey let outa strangled sob and clutched his blanket for dear life hoping the it would comfort the distraught turtle.

Mikey whimpered as he relived his nightmare. His brothers had left him. They abandoned him. They wanted nothing to do with him anymore. But still Mikey wanted comfort from his big brothers.

Mikey sobbed louder and could hear the sound of loud footsteps coming towards his door and he could hear multiple footsteps rushing inside his messy bedroom.

"Mikey!" A voice was heard but Mikey couldn't quite make out who's it was he was too focused on that dreadful dream.

He felt hands being placed on his shoulder but he was quick to shove the hand away from him. "No get away from me! You left me!" Mike screamed.

Donnie's eyes widen in shock. His baby brother who usually loved hugs and attention was now rejecting it. Donnie knew the nightmare must have been terrible if mikey wanted nothing to do with them.

"Mikey please talk to us." Leo tried to take a step forward but mikey wasn't having it. "Go away Leo! You tricked me and abandon me! Get away from me!" Mikey said crying louder.

"Mikey....please baby brother....we never left you were still here please let us help you." Raph said trying to get close to his distraught brother.

Mikey whimpered in response. "Y-You g-guys l-left me y-you a-abandoned m-me!"

"No baby brother we never left you...we would never leave you buddy. We love you you know that right?" Donnie said and was surprised when Mikey let him sit next to him on his bed. Donnie placed his arm over his brothers shell to calm his baby brother.

Mikey was glad to know that Donnie really did care about him that's why he allowed Donnie to get close to him. He wanted to be in Donnie's arms where he was safe and away from Leo and Raph.

Mikey leaned into Donnie and laid his head on his big brothers shoulder crying into it. Donnie patted his brothers shell hoping to get his only baby brother to stop crying.

"Dons right Mikey we would never leave you. No turtle left behind remember? That's our rule."

"B-But t-that excludes me I-it's ok to leave me behind right? B-Because...y-you d-didn't come for me Leo!" Mikey's tears fell faster and hit Donnie's shoulder making it wet but Donnie didn't mind he just wanted Mikey to be ok.

"No! It's not okay Mikey! I love you baby brother! We all do! Like Donnie said we would never leave you! I would never abandon you!" Leo said sitting on the other side of Mikey's bed grabbing his brothers hand to comfort his very upset baby brother.

Mikey had wanted to pull away from Leo but found that he couldn't because Leo's hand was gripping his light green hand tightly. "L-Let go!" Mikey whimpered

"No Mikey! I'm never gonna let you go! I love you too much too let you go little brother!" Leo said hoping to get Mikey to trust him.

"Leos right Mikey, we'd never let you go Mike. I-I love you little brother." Mikey looked up at Raph with wide eyes....had raph really just said that?

"W-What?" Mikey stuttered shocked written on his face. Mikey knew raph never usually told them I love you. It was rare for the hothead to even hug them or to show the slightest bit of affection towards his brothers.

"You heard me Mikey, I know I don't say it much but I do care about you and I love you baby brother. I would never ever leave you alone."

The truth behind those words made Mikey cry harder he knew then that his brothers would always be there for him and would never ever abandon him like the ones in his dreadful nightmare.

"I-I love you bros too." Mikey said through his sobs.

The three brothers then wrapped their arms around their baby brother and Mikey leaned into their grasp wanting nothing more but to be in the comfort of his big brothers arms.

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