Secret revealed

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A/N this is the second part of Shocking discover (I might change the title.) and I'll try to make a part three soon.

"Well....The oldest and...Leo is the youngest."  Donatello said as he waited for his two little brothers to say something.

Mikey stared at Donatello with a shocked look on his face while Raph just started at Donnie wit his mouth hung open.

"So you said your the oldest and Leo's the youngest right? Are me and Raph swapped to or am I still the youngest and Raph is still the middle child?" Mikey asked completely forgetting that Donnie had just told them Leo was the youngest.

"I already explained to you that Leo was the youngest so of course you and Raph are swapped. I'm the oldest, Mikey is the second oldest and Raph is the third oldest and then Leo's the youngest."

"Woah wait, so your saying I'm younger than Mikey?! That can't be right! You must've done something wrong Donnie! There's no way I'm younger than Mikey!"

"The results I had gotten from all of our dna samples indicates that you are indeed younger than Michelangelo. I've already analyzed the data three times already just to make sure I wasn't making any mistakes."

"So what do we tell Leo? You know he won't take this news well Donnie."

"I was thinking it'd be best if I told him alone he might take the news better if I was the one that told him."

"Ok so what do you need us to do Donnie?"

"I need the two of you to keep quiet and don't mention anything about Leo being the youngest until I talk to him."

"So when do ya plan on telling Leo?" Raphael asked waiting for Donnie to respond. Before Donnie could answer the three brothers heard a the lab doors open and there stood Leo.

"Is there something you guys aren't telling me what are you keeping from me?" Leo asked and gave them a confused look. "What are you guys doing in Donnie's lab anyway? They aren't bothering you are they Donnie?" Leo asked looking at Donnie.

"Uh no I called them in here actually. They were just getting ready to leave and get ready for patrol."

"Yeah that's right come on Mikey let's go get ready for patrol." Raph said and grabbed Mikey by his mask tails and practically dragged him out of the lab before Mikey could say anything.

"Ok Donnie what's going on, what are you keeping from me?"

Donnie gulped feeling nervous. "Before I tell you, you might want to sit down Leo this is going to be quite shocking for you."

Leo rolled his eyes however he complied and sat down "ok Donnie now tell me why you called Raph and Mikey in here and not me are you hiding something from me?"

Donnie sighed and sat down. "Ok so remember how I decided to do an experiment to see if we were all the same age?"

"Yeah I remember what did you find out about that Donnie? Are we different ages?"

"While we are the same age I-I actually found out something pretty shocking and I'm not sure how to tell you it's quite fascinating really I don't know why I never thought to do this sooner and-"

"Don, your rambling little brother, I promise we will figure this out together ok? You can tell me." Leo said placing a hand on Donnie's shoulder.

Donnie visibly flinched when Leo called him little brother. "O-Ok...the thing I discovered is that...I-I'm actually t-the oldest and y-your the youngest." Donnie shuttered and looked at Leo.

Leo couldn't comprehend what Donnie had just said....there's no way he could be the youngest...right? Maybe Donnie did his research wrong.

"A-Are you sure Don? Did you make sure it was correct?"

"Yes Leo I did and I even tripled checked it but the results are the same you're the youngest Leo...."

Leo felt his eyes widen and he could feel his throat closing up and he felt like he couldn't breath. Donnie could see his brothers face turning pale and he could see that Leo was having a hard time breathing.

Donnie placed a hand on Leo's shell and tried to calm him down however that didn't seem to work and the last thing Leo remember was leaning against his big brother Donnie before he passed out from shock.

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