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I never knew it would come to this, I would have to choose between Edward or the Volturi. The Volturi would hate my decision because I would always choose Edward. He's the love of my life and only he mattered to me, I preferred to spend the rest of eternity with him than to be with the Volturi who I considered to be my family. I just hope they would understand my decision and release me from the agreement, I don't know what would happen if they didn't.

Alice and I had took my private jet and were in Volterra in just under three hours, she remained outside the city limits as I wandered to the Volterra castle. I used my invisibility gift and entered without being seen, then I teleported myself into the thrown room. I waited for Edward to come, I knew it would be a matter of time before he showed up. He would beg them to kill him and I hope they said no, otherwise I would have to reveal myself to them.

Less than an hour later he entered the thrown room and stopped thirty feet in front of the three throwns, I just watched him like a hawk. Aro asked in a sickly sweet voice, “Why have you come here?” Edward replied, “I wish for you to kill me, I can't live anymore.” Aro walked towards Edward and place his palm into his hand, he would see every thought Edward ever had. I watched in fear because I thought something bad was going to happen, I took a few steps closer to Edward.

About a minute later Aro released his hand and took a few steps back before saying, “You have the gift of reading minds and wish not to kill you, but we would like to offer you a spot on the guard.” Edward stated, “You know you will have no choice but to kill me.” What Edward said made me so mad I couldn't contain myself any longer and yelled, “How dare you! You promised me you wouldn't do this! I know I was foolish, but there is no reason for you to kill yourself! Don't do this because of me!”

In less than a second I smacked him across the face, he had a strange look on his face as he felt where I had slapped him. I watched as he left without saying a single word, then I turned towards Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Once I was visible to them I said, “I can't be part of the Volturi anymore, I'm sorry.” Aro said with a smile, “I'm sorry too, Bella. You will regret this decision. You see, you can't quit. You will do as we say and keep working for us until the day we kill you; by the way, you can say goodbye to your precious Cullen's too.  

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